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Law Handbook Online - South Australia

Accidents and Injuries
Accidents on private and public property
Who is liable?
The Occupier's Responsibilities
Accidents on roads and footpaths
Accidents involving animals
Injuries caused by dogs
Injuries caused by other animals
Injuries to animals
Motor vehicle accidents
Legal obligations after a motor vehicle accident
Claiming Compensation
Personal Injuries
Property Damage
Accidents at work
Workers Compensation
At Common Law
Commonwealth Government Employees
Safety legislation
Children and negligence
Accidents and injuries at school
Advance Directives
Powers of Attorney
Loss of Legal Capacity
How to make a Power of Attorney
Safeguarding a Donor's Interests
Duties of a Donee
Ending a Power of Attorney
Advance Care Directives
The Advance Care Directives Act
Making an advance care directive
When an advance care directive can be used
Changing or revoking an advance care directive
What can be included in an advance care directive
Giving effect to an advance care directive
Advance care directives before July 2014
Disputes about advance care directives
Arrest, Your Rights and Bail
Questioning, search and arrest
Being questioned
Police cautions
Search and seizure
Police powers after arrest
When legal rights are not given
Your rights
Applying for bail
Conditions of bail
Refusal and review of bail conditions
Enforcement of bail agreement
Termination of bail
An Introduction to Bankruptcy
Who is involved?
Bankruptcy Courts and Jurisdiction
What is Bankruptcy?
What does it cost to go bankrupt?
Who should consider bankruptcy?
Who can become bankrupt?
Types of bankruptcy
Alternatives to bankruptcy
Debt Agreements
Advantages of Bankruptcy
Disadvantages of Bankruptcy
Effects of bankruptcy
The bankrupt's property
The home
Motor vehicles
Secured Debts
Money received
Goods disposed of for less than market value
Travelling overseas
Property a bankrupt can keep
Property settlements under the Family Law Act
Offences under the Bankruptcy Act
Rights of bankrupts
Debts covered by bankruptcy
Exceptions (debts not covered by bankruptcy)
Essential services, rates and traffic fines
How to go bankrupt
Ending a bankruptcy
Automatic discharge
Objections to discharge
Investigations by the Trustee in Bankruptcy
Public examination
Business Information
Business Information
Regulation of Business
Getting Started
Registration and licensing
Owning a business
Business owned by a person
Business owned by a partnership
Business owned by a trust
Businesses owned by a company
Company directors
Who can be a director?
COVID-19 Insolvent Trading Relief
General Duties of Directors - Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
Common Law Duties
Specific Duties of Directors
Criminal offences and Penalties
Director Identification Numbers
Dissolution of business
Insolvent Companies
Deregistration of a Company
Buying a business
The contract
Cooling off
Buying a franchise
Running a business
Granting credit
Personal Guarantees
Personal Property Securities Register
Retention of Title Arrangements
Consignment Sales
Collecting Debts
Modern Slavery Reporting Requirements
Exclusion Clauses
Resolving disputes between businesses
Leasing premises
Working finance
Intellectual property
Working from home
Eviction by landlord
Relief against forfeiture
Seizing goods
Changing owners of a business
Resignation of a partner
Resignation of a director
Children and Young People
Children, young people and the law
Where to find information in the Law Handbook
Factsheets for young people
Parental rights and duties
Physical punishment
Legal age to babysit
Leaving home
Early childhood services and immunisation requirements
Protection of children and young people
Children and young people at risk
Investigation and intervention
Care and Protection Orders
Custody or guardianship of the Chief Executive
Contact arrangements
Other person guardianship
Review of administrative decisions
Prescribed child protection complaints
Intervention Orders and Child Protection Restraining Orders and Notices
Assessment, treatment and detention orders for drug dependency
Who may apply for a Youth Treatment Order
Assessment Orders
Treatment Orders
Detention Orders
Representation of children
Who gets a copy of the order
Variation and revocation
Appeals against Youth Treatment Orders
Bullying of children and young people
Child Safe Environments
Potential criminal offences
Potential civil action
Office of the eSafety Commissioner
School Fees
School Discipline
Religious and cultural activities
Suspension, Exclusion and Expulsion
Complaints about schools
Accidents and Injuries
Protection of staff and students
Young offenders
Criminal responsibility
Police questioning
Juvenile justice system
Informal Police Cautions
Formal Police Cautions
Family Conferences
The Youth Court
Sentencing by the Youth Court
Legal advice and assistance
Confidentiality of proceedings
Complaints about Police
Your Rights
Child Support
Child support
The role of Services Australia - Child Support
Applying for a child support assessment
Proof of Parentage
Centrelink and child support
Child support assessments
How to change a child support assessment
Objections to and appeals of Services Australia decisions
Child Support Agreements
Adult child maintenance
Collection of child support and maintenance liabilities
Court applications
Overseas child support and maintenance
Community Organisations
Community organisations
Unincorporated associations
Incorporated associations under the Associations Incorporations Act 1985 (SA)
Getting incorporated
Applying for incorporation
Consequences of incorporation
The rules
Powers of incorporated associations
Committee members and officers
Duties of committee members
Duties of officers
Public Officer
Annual general meetings
Minutes of meetings
Financial records
Common membership problems
Ending an association
Possible offences when an association is ending
Prescribed associations
Accounting records
Duties of officers of prescribed associations
Incorporation as a co-operative
Volunteer protection
Complaints against government
Government decisions
The Ombudsman
Commonwealth Administrative Appeals
State administrative appeals
Judicial Review
Compensation for defective government administration (Commonwealth)
Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and the Office for Public Integrity (OPI)
National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC)
Complaints against councils (Local government)
Complaints against police
Where to complain
Investigating a complaint
Complaints resolved by management resolution
Police Disciplinary Tribunal
Complaints not investigated
Complaints against lawyers
Complaints against Judges and other judicial officers
Complaints against banking, financial services, insurance companies and super funds
Complaints about private health insurance
Complaints against health and community services
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
AHPRA Complaints Process
Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner (SA)
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
Disability Services Complaints
National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline
National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Commission
Complaints against a builder or tradesperson
Complaints about vocational education or training
Complaints about taxation (ATO)
Complaints about taxation (State government)
Complaints against telecommunications providers
Complaints against energy and water suppliers
Consumers - Contracts and Credit
Avoiding and Resolving Problems
Common Consumer Problems
Making a Contract
Does a contract have to be in writing?
Who can make a contract
What can be included in a contract?
Is a person bound once a contract is signed?
Breach of contract
Remedies for Breach of Contract
Illegal Contracts
When a contract ends
Consumer Protection
Who is a Consumer?
Statutory Guarantees
Misleading or Deceptive Conduct
Unfair Practices
Unfair Contract Terms
Some specific areas of Consumer Protection
Consumer Data - Breaches and Rights
Consumer Credit
Laws that protect consumers when borrowing money
Credit Ratings
Banks and Banking
Supervision of banks and other ADIs
Banker Customer Relationship
Direct Debits
Complaints and disputes
The Copyright Act
What is protected?
Automatic protection
Legal rights of owners
Moral rights
Who owns copyright?
Duration of copyright
Duration periods by category of material
International protection
Assignments and licences
Infringement and remedies
Using copyright material
Acts that do not infringe copyright
Design and copyright
Frequently asked questions
Criminal and Traffic Offences
What is a Crime?
General Principles in Criminal Law
Elements of a Criminal Offence
Types of Crimes and Courts
Summary Offences
Minor Indictable Offences
Major Indictable Offences
Youth Offences
Magistrates Court Diversion Program
Coroner's Court
The Jury
What is an aggravated offence?
Common Offences
Offences against the person
Offences against property
Offences against prescribed emergency workers
Offences against public order and similar offences
Weapons offences
Offences against children, young people and vulnerable adults
Sexual offences
Tattooing, body modification and body piercing
Alcohol, vaping, tobacco products, and other drugs
Dishonest communication with a child
Criminal neglect
Elder abuse
Traffic Offences
Driver's Licences
Demerit Points
Alcohol, Drugs and Driving
Defect Notices
Driving Offences
Parking Offences
Pedestrian Offences
Public transport passenger offences
Boating Offences
Possible Outcomes of Traffic Offences
Sexual Offences
Common Sexual Offences
Evidence in Sexual Assault Cases
Other Sexual Offences
Compensation for Victims
Legal Procedures
Drug Offences
Aggravated offences
Simple Cannabis Offences
Possession for personal use
Manufacture, Cultivation and Sale
Manufacture of a Controlled Drug
Possession or Sale of Equipment
Sale or Possession of Instructions
Production, promotion and sale of controlled drug alternatives
Trafficking of a Controlled Drug
Sentencing Principles
Diversionary Schemes and the Treatment Intervention Court
Tobacco and E-cigarettes
Police Powers
Additional Offences
Customs Act offences
Serious and Organised Crime
Organised crime, declared organisations and criminal associations
Participation in criminal organisation
Unexplained wealth orders
Tattoo Industry Control
Defence of property
Sudden or extraordinary emergency
Mental Impairment
Self defence
Assistance for Suspects, Victims, and Witnesses with Communication Needs
Interviewing vulnerable witnesses
Court - Criminal Matters
Criminal Courts
Contempt of Court and Disrespectful Conduct in Court
Summary Offences
Bringing a defendant to Court
First appearance in Court
Being dealt with by the Court
Trials - Summary Offences
Indictable Offences
Sentencing Reductions
Bringing the person charged to Court
Pre-Committal Process
Committal Process
Attending a Higher Court
Pre-trial matters
Trials - Indictable Offences
The Sentencing Process
Sentencing Purposes, Principles and Factors
Matters affecting sentence
Sentencing Procedure
Fine Enforcement
Magistrates Court Appeals
Higher Court Appeals
Evidence of a close relative
Evidence of a journalist
Sworn and unsworn evidence
Evidence of vulnerable witnesses
Evidence of victims of domestic violence offences
Evidence in proceedings where circumstances of family violence
Effects of Criminal Convictions
Duty to disclose charges proved
Criminal records
Spent convictions
Liability for further detention and supervision
Other Legal Consequences
Court - Suing or Being Sued
Civil Claims
Children and civil claims
Minor Civil Actions
Deciding to take legal action
Finding out who to sue
Pre-action steps - Giving notice of intention to sue
Starting minor civil claims proceedings
What does it cost to start a minor claim?
Serving the claim on the respondent
Possible responses from the respondent
How is an undefended minor civil claim dealt with?
Setting aside default judgment
Going to court
Enforcing judgment - monetary judgments
Enforcing judgment - non-monetary judgments
Review of a minor civil action judgment
Magistrates Court (General Claims)
District Court and Supreme Court
For Debtors
Being pursued for a debt
Disputing a debt
External dispute resolution
Paying a debt
Being taken to court
Judgment and enforcement action
Investigation Summons
Debt Management Firms
Getting help
Debt or Damages?
For Creditors
Negotiation with the debtor
Rules of conduct when pursuing a debt
Deciding whether to take legal action
Enforceable Payment Agreements
Finding out who to sue
Giving notice of intention to sue
Starting proceedings in the Magistrates Court
Possible responses from the defendant
Going to court
Enforcing a Judgment Debt
Other options for Enforcement of a Judgment Debt
Debts in the Building and Construction Industry
Workers Liens
Debts in the Farming Industry
Debts owed to Public Authorities
What is Defamation?
Who can be defamed
Where cases are heard
Libel or Slander
Innocent Dissemination
Fair comment
Absolute privilege
Qualified privilege
Proceedings of Public Concern
Public Interest Disclosure Act
Concerns Notices
Offer to make amends
Commencing court action
Time limits
Other remedies
Criminal Defamation
Laws relating to Journalists
Discrimination Law
Grounds to making discrimination complaints
Types of discrimination
Areas of public life
Exemptions from discrimination laws
What is detriment?
Making a complaint
Equal Opportunity Legal Advice Service
Vicarious liability
Discriminatory advertising
Public interest disclosures
Employment Laws and Useful Websites
Employment and Labour Hire Workers
Employees and Independent Contractors
Express and implied terms of the contract
The employee's duty of co-operation, care, and fidelity
The employer's duties and rights
Other terms implied by circumstances
Casual employees
Fixed term contracts
Federal Employment & Industrial Relations Law (most workers in Australia)
Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)
The National Employment Standards
Modern Awards
Enterprise Agreements
General Protections (protected workplace rights)
Transfer of business
South Australian Employment & Industrial Relations Law
Enterprise Agreements
State Public Sector Workers
Local Government Workers
Discrimination in the workplace
Unlawful termination protections for State system employees
Services for employees in South Australia
Other Legislation
Long Service Leave
Equal Opportunity
Work health and safety
Accidents and Injuries at work
Terminating Employment
By giving notice
By breach or variation of the employment contract
Summary dismissal - 'on the spot'
Upon the sale or winding up of the business
Unfair Dismissal
Unfair dismissal under federal law
Unfair dismissal under State Law
Protection for people assisting with emergency management
Underpayment of Wages
Administrative Remedies
Natural justice
Statutory employees
Criminal Records and Clearance Checks
License holders and registered professionals
Working with children checks
Working with people with disability checks (NDIS)
Workplace bullying
Young Workers
Responsibility for the Environment
Commonwealth Responsibility
State Responsibility
Local Government
International Environmental Law
Individual Responsibility
Environment Protection and the Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act)
What does the EPBC Act do?
What is a 'Matter of National Environmental Significance' (MNES)?
What is an 'action'?
What is a 'significant impact'?
How is the assessment and approval process triggered?
Commonwealth Approval
Public Participation in EPBC Decisions
Does the EPBC Act override State Law?
Enforcing the EPBC Act
Pollution and Waste
Pollution and Waste Licences
Environment Protection Policies
Noise Pollution
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
Ozone Depletion
Waste Disposal
Waste Avoidance
Pollution Offences
Site Contamination
EPA Orders
Civil Penalties
Nature Conservation
Protected Areas
Conservation of Native Plants and Animals
Natural Resource Management
National Heritage Protection
World Heritage
State Heritage
State Heritage Register
Entry onto the State Heritage Register
State Heritage and Development Control
Heritage Agreements
Stop Orders
Restoration and No Development Orders
National Trust
Aboriginal Heritage
Register of Aboriginal Sites and Objects
Inspection and Control of Aboriginal Heritage
Movable Cultural Heritage
Shipwrecks in Australian Waters
Shipwrecks in State Waters
Development and the Environment
Environmental Impact Assessment
Expiation Fees and Fines
Expiation notices
Grounds for withdrawal of expiation notices
Applying for review of expiation notices
Electing to be prosecuted
Paying expiation fees
Enforcement of expiation notices
Applying for review of an enforcement determination
Paying court fines
Persistent Driving While Unlicensed
Enforcement of court fines
Standard scales for penalties and fees
Family Relationships
The family law system
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
Family dispute resolution
Court rules and registry
Grounds for divorce
Separation under one roof
Applying for divorce
Serving a divorce application
Opposing divorce
The divorce hearing
The making of a divorce order
De facto relationships
Registered relationships
No time requirement
One year time requirement - migration
Two year time requirement - property disputes
Three year time requirement - State law matters
Property disputes not covered by the Family Law Act
Companion relationships and property disputes
amica - Assistance reaching and recording agreements
Family violence
Practical measures
Intervention orders
Parenting orders
Family Violence and Cross-Examination of Parties Scheme (section 102NA order)
Criminal charges
Arrangements for children
Coming to an agreement
Applying for parenting orders
Dividing property
Step One
Step Two
Step Three
Step Four
Coming to an agreement
Applying for property settlement
Common misconceptions
Having a child
Parenting presumptions and birth registration
Reproductive technologies
Contraception and abortion
Changing a child's name
By order of SACAT
Guardianship and Administration
Guardianship and Administration
SACAT's role in Guardianship and Administration
Guardians - powers and duties
When to give consent
Other consent issues
Administrators - powers and duties
Principles of Substituted Judgement
Reviews and Appeals
Office of the Public Advocate
Guardian of last resort
Residential Tenancies
Residential tenancy agreements
Fixed term or periodic tenancies
Shared tenancies
Becoming a tenant
Rental expenses
Rights and obligations
Terminating a tenancy agreement
Breach of tenancy
Finalising a tenancy
Resolving tenancy disputes
Enforcing SACAT tenancy orders
Intervention orders and tenancy agreements
Rooming Houses
Designated rooming houses
House rules
Obligations of proprietors
Obligations of tenants
Rent increases
Termination of agreement
Residential Parks
Principal place of residence
Types of residential park agreements
Making a residential park agreement
What are the rights and responsibilities of each of the parties?
Bond and rent
Other charges
Sub-letting and assignment
Ending an agreement
Abandoned property
Public Housing
The waiting list
Private rental assistance
Which legislation applies
Conditions and types of tenancy
Maintenance and repairs
Moving to another property
Ending a tenancy
Intervention orders and terminating a Housing SA tenancy
Community Housing
The role of Housing SA
Community housing providers
Intervention orders and terminating a tenancy
Resolving disputes
Substandard properties
Housing improvement orders
Disclosure obligations
Effect of housing orders on tenants and occupiers
Strata and Community Titles
Strata Titles
Community Titles
Buying a home
Land agents
The contract
General conditions of the contract
The schedule
Special conditions
Advice before signing the contract
After signing the contract
After settlement
House and land packages
Common forms of land ownership
Selling a home
Form 1
Retirement Housing
Before Signing a Residence Contract
Residence Contracts
Disclosure Statement
Code of Conduct
Residence Rules
Condition of the Premises
Living in a Retirement Village
Exit Entitlement
Resolving Disputes
Building Work
Licensing of Builders
Building Work Contracts
Other Considerations related to Building Work
Minor Domestic Building Work
Immigration and Citizenship
Migration Law
Family Visas
Skilled Visas
Refugee, Humanitarian and Protection Visas
Student Visas
Visitors' Visas
Bridging Visas
Visa cancellations
Migration Agents
Where to get migration assistance in South Australia
Insurance and Superannuation
Legislation and contacts
Legal Obligations
Making a Claim
Dispute Resolution
Health Insurance
Natural Disasters and Insurance
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Who can access the NDIS?
Applying for the NDIS
What is an NDIS Plan?
Can an NDIS Plan be changed?
What services and supports can be funded by the NDIA?
Restrictive practices by registered NDIS providers
Behaviour support plans
Review of NDIA decisions
Compensation payments and the NDIS
NDIS Worker Clearances
Benefit Payment Issues
Dispute Resolution
Legal Help
Getting Legal Help
Legal Services Commission
Applying for legal aid
Interstate legal aid commissions
Legal Profession
Australian-registered foreign lawyers
Lawyers and Migration Law
Complaints against lawyers
Other Legal Services
Community Legal Services
Law Society of South Australia
Litigation Assistance Fund
Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement
Accessible Justice Project
JusticeNet SA
Justices of the Peace
Defence and Veterans Legal Service (DAVLS)
Legal System
What is a law?
Sources of law
Case law
The effect of legislation on case law
Emergency declarations
The Australian Constitutional System
Voice to Parliament
Voting at state elections
Law reform
Adversarial model
State Courts
Commonwealth Courts
High Court of Australia
Federal Court of Australia
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
The Court System
Alternative dispute resolution
Advantages of alternative dispute resolution
Unassisted negotiation
Lawyer to lawyer negotiation
Expert appraisal
Expert determination
When not to use alternative dispute resolution
Alternative dispute resolution services
Royal Commissions
Why is it royal?
Recent royal commissions
How are royal commissions different from...
Who is involved in a royal commission?
What a royal commission can do
What a royal commission can't do
How can members of the public get involved?
Final report and recommendations
How to find the law
Acts and Delegated Legislation
How to read an Act
Law Reports
How to read a case
Local Government and Planning
Local Government
Council Structure
Council Services
Council Funding
Council Meetings
Planning and Development
Planning and Development - Assessment Authorities
Planning Policies
Development Control
Major Development (and Environment Impact Statement)
Development by State Agencies
Building Work
Appeals to the Supreme Court
Compulsory Acquisition of Land
Helpful resources
Medical Treatment and Related Issues
Patients' Rights
Children under 16 years
When someone 16 or over can't consent
Obtaining Medical Records
Controlled Notifiable Conditions and COVID-19
Controlled notifiable conditions
COVID-19 arrangements and directions
Compliance with directions
COVID-19 cases and close contacts
Mask wearing and QR check ins
Travel restrictions
Mandatory vaccination requirements
Residential aged care facilities
Medical Negligence
What is negligence?
Difficulties in medical negligence cases
Taking legal action
Help and advice
The duty owed by hospitals to patients
Other claims
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
Health Product Safety
Regulation of health products
Action against the supplier
Action against the manufacturer
End of life care
Care when dying
Voluntary Assisted Dying Pathway
Reviewable decisions under the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2021
Mental Health
Mental Health Act 2009 (SA)
Defining Mental Illness
Care and Control Powers
How is Mental Health Treated?
Community Treatment Orders
Inpatient Treatment Orders
Prescribed Treatment
Rights of People with a Mental Illness
Suicide Prevention
Neighbours and the Law
Sharing costs between neighbours
Access to property
Common questions about fences
Swimming pool fences and safety
Fences Act forms
Boundary Location
Retaining Walls
Encroaching Buildings
Trees and powerlines
Significant and Regulated Trees
Local Nuisance and Litter Control
Local nuisance
Litter control
Civil remedies
Air Pollution
Bill posting
Unsightly conditions
Reclaiming goods
Rights of Way
Dog ownership
Dog registration
Cat registration
Duties of dog owners
Types of dogs
Assistance dogs
Lost and wandering dogs
Barking dogs
Dog attacks
Powers of local councils
Control and destruction orders
Review of Control and Destruction Orders
Seizure and destruction of dogs
Seizure and destruction of cats
Breeding dogs and cats
Selling dogs and cats
Cruelty to animals
Use of Land
Development Objections
Potential Dangers
Drones (Remotely Piloted Aircraft)
What is a drone (Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA))?
Types of Remotely Piloted Aircraft and Restrictions Based on Weight
Conditions for operating Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA)
Penalties for Unsafe Flying
Indoor Operation of a Remotely Piloted Aircraft
How to report unsafe Remotely Piloted Aircraft flights to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Payments - Centrelink and Veterans
Applying for and receiving Centrelink payments
Types of Centrelink payments
Clients' Responsibilities
Clients' Rights
Debts and Overpayments
Challenging a Centrelink Decision
Claiming compensation from Centrelink
Pensions and Payments
Review by the Veterans' Review Board
Laws Affecting Prisoners
Prison Institutions
Types of prisoners
Going to Prison
Admission to prison
Searches and drug testing
Life in prison
Solitary confinement
Contacting prisoners
Breaches of regulations
Hearings and inquiries
Offences in Prison
Obstructing a Visiting Tribunal
Breach of leave conditions
Offences by prisoners
Offences by others
Release of Sentenced Prisoners
Leave of absence
Home detention
Assistance for Prisoners
Duty Solicitor
Prison Chaplaincy Services
The Ombudsman SA
OARS Community Transitions
Prisoner Care Program
Offender Complaint and Advice Line
Prisoners' Advocacy
Privacy and Access to Information
Privacy law contacts
Privacy (South Australian Government)
Privacy (Commonwealth Government)
Recording private conversations or activities - Surveillance Devices
Replacing lost or destroyed documents
Access to Non-government Information
Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
Consumer Credit Information
Personal Information
Access to Government Information
State Government
The Commonwealth Government
Personal Information
Victims of Crime
Legislation and contacts
Victims of Crime Compensation
Who can claim compensation?
Proving the offence
How much can be claimed?
Conduct of the victim
Claims arising from homicide
Making the claim
Compensation claims for children
Who cannot claim compensation?
Where does the money come from?
Discretionary payments by the Attorney-General
Victim Impact Statements
Victim Registers
Correctional Services Victim Register
Youth Justice Victims Register
Assistance for Victims of Domestic Violence
Victims of Commonwealth Identity Crime
Victims and Volunteers DNA samples
Victims of Child Abuse
Child sexual abuse in institutional settings - the National Redress Scheme
Child abuse - civil claims
Wills, Estates and Funerals
Making a will
Valid wills
Signing and witnessing a will
Will clauses
Changing a will
Contesting a will
Getting a copy of a will
If there is a will
If there is no Will
Probate and Letters of Administration
Executors and Trustees
Payment of Debts
Bankrupt Estates
Release of Assets
Legal Actions
Organ Donation
Deaths in Hospital
Coroner's Inquests
Stillborn Babies
Next of Kin
Obtaining a Death Certificate
Arranging a Funeral
Financial Assistance
Burials and Cremations
General Index
List of Cases