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Resolving disputes

Appeals from decisions relating to community housing are heard by the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal [see Community Housing Providers (National Law) (South Australia) Act 2013 (SA) sch 2].

Who can appeal?

  • Tenants of registered community housing providers
  • Prospective members of registered community housing providers

What sorts of decisions can be appealed?

For tenants, decisions about:

  • assessment of their financial or other circumstances
  • allocation (or reallocation) of any premises
  • state, condition, modification or improvement of premises
  • calculation or imposition of any additional rent, levy, charge or subsidy
  • termination of membership of the community housing provider
  • any other decision that affects the tenant's occupation or use of the premises

For prospective members, the rejection of their membership where it affects their existing tenancy or other existing right of occupation.

What decisions cannot be appealed?

  • Those that are not about the occupation of community housing
  • Those that relate to a matter that may be the subject of regulation or proceedings under the Residential Tenancies Act 1995 (SA)

The Tribunal may also decline to hear an appeal if it considers that mediation or conciliation should, and has not yet been attempted to reach a resolution.

Is there a time limit?

Yes, an appeal must be lodged within 30 days from the date on which the person receives written notice of the decision of the community housing provider.

Who can help with an appeal?

RentRight SA (formally TIAS)

Provides free independent support to tenants on low incomes in the public, private and community rental markets. Support includes advocacy on tenancy issues such as tenancy rights and responsibilities, application processes for private and public rental, disputes, debts, evictions and appeals processes.

Locations in Adelaide:, Christies Beach, Blair Athol, Port Adelaide, and Elizabeth.

To make an appointment call 1800 060 462 or visit the RentRight SA website.

Community Housing Industry Association of SA (CHIA SA)

Provides advice, support and advocacy for Community Housing Organisations on community housing issues.

Call (08) 7077 2803 or visit the Community Housing Industry Association of SA website.

Resolving disputes  :  Last Revised: Wed Oct 2nd 2024
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