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Residential Parks

The Residential Parks Act 2007 (SA) covers certain types of rental agreements (known as residential park agreements) in residential parks.

A residential park is land where a group of sites or dwellings with access to common property (for example, bathroom, laundry) are available for rent. A caravan park is an example of a residential park.

A dwelling is:

  • a structure designed, and capable of being used, for human habitation (the structure can be fixed or moveable, but tents are not included), or
  • a motor vehicle or trailer designed, and capable of being used, for human habitation.

[Residential Parks Act 2007 (SA) s 3]

Consumer and Business Services has developed resources for residents and park owners which can be accessed via their website.


Tenancies Branch

Consumer and Business Services

91 Grenfell Street

Adelaide SA 5000

Call 131 882

South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal

Level 4, 100 Pirie St

Adelaide SA 5000

Call 1800 723 767


Legal Services Commission

159 Gawler Place

Adelaide SA 5000

Call 1300 366 424

Relevant forms can be downloaded from the SA Government Residential Parks website.

Residential Parks  :  Last Revised: Thu Feb 29th 2024
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