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Types of residential park agreements

'Residential park agreements' are agreements where:

  • the park operator agrees to let you rent a site to put a dwelling on ('residential park site agreements'); OR
  • the park operator agrees to let you rent a dwelling on a site ('residential park tenancy agreements'); OR
  • a resident sub-lets the dwelling to you (‘sub-tenancy agreement’) (this is where the resident gives you exclusive right to live in the dwelling). Sub-letting can only happen in certain circumstances. (see Sub-letting)

These are all considered to be residential park agreements [see Residential Parks Act 2007 (SA) s 3].

Different rules apply depending on whether the agreement is a residential park site agreement or a residential park tenancy agreement in relation to ending agreements and in relation to the park operator's rights of entry to property.

Types of residential park agreements  :  Last Revised: Fri Aug 9th 2019
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