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COVID-19 cases and close contacts

The South Australian Public Health (COVID-19 Directions) Notice 2022 (SA) ('Directions Notice') outlined the testing and quarantine requirements of people who have been diagnosed with, or exposed to, COVID-19, and those they live with or with whom they have had a close personal interaction.

From 14 October 2022, all isolation, testing and mask wearing requirements for COVID-19 positive cases and close contacts have been removed.

If a person tests positive using a Rapid Antigen test, their result does not need to be confirmed with a PCR test. A positive Rapid Antigen test result can be recorded using the form provided on the SA Health website - Reporting your rapid antigen test result.

SA Health continues to recommend that a COVID-19 positive person:

  • stay home until symptoms have cleared (usually 5-7 days)
  • inform their employer to discuss a return to work, with longer periods likely for persons working in health, disability and aged care
  • wear a mask when indoors or when on public transport if leaving the house
  • avoid large gatherings and crowded indoor places
  • not visit people at high risk of severe illness, or anyone in a hospital, aged care or disability care facility for at least 7 days.

SA Health also recommends that a close contact:

  • monitor for symptoms and, if unwell, get tested and stay home until well
  • refrain from visiting people at high risk of severe illness, or anyone in a hospital, or an aged or disability care facility (or if a visit is unavoidable, complete a Rapid Antigen test before visiting)
  • wear a mask when in indoor places and on public transport
  • have frequent Rapid Antigen tests
  • notify their employer, school or childcare setting that they are a close contact.

See the SA Health webpages on Close contact advice and What to do if I test positive for COVID-19 for more information.

COVID-19 cases and close contacts  :  Last Revised: Thu Oct 13th 2022
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