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There are different complaints processes that apply depending on whether a person is making a complaint about the NDIA, or a complaint about an NDIS provider or service provider.

Complaints about the NDIA

A person wishing to make a complaint about the NDIA should lodge their complaint either online via the NDIA website or with their local NDIA office.

The NDIA has an online complaint form that can be used to provide feedback and lodge a complaint with the NDIA.

The NDIA Complaints Procedure provides that complaints should be resolved within 21 days of receipt of the complaint, and that an NDIA representative should contact the person who lodged the complaint within two days of acknowledging receipt of the complaint.

If a person is unhappy with the outcome of their complaint, they can request it be reviewed by a supervisor or manager within the NDIA.

A person still dissatisfied with the outcome can make a complaint to the Commonwealth Ombudsman – see the Commonwealth Ombudsman – Making a Complaint website, or if unable to use the online form, by telephoning the Commonwealth Ombudsman on 1300 362 072.

A person who disagrees with a decision of the NDIA may go through the review process, depending on the decision – see Review of NDIA decisions.

Complaints about NDIS service providers

A person wishing to make a complaint about a NDIS service provider can make a complaint to the National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Commission ('NDIS Commission') [see National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth) Chapter 6A].

The NDIS Commission was established to improve and monitor the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services.

Any NDIS participant, their family, friends, carers, advocates or other workers can make a complaint to the NDIS Commission about the provision of NDIS funded services or supports. Complaints can be made by contacting the NDIS Commission on 1800 035 544 or by using the NDIS Commission Online Complaint Form.

For more information see the Law Handbook page – Complaints: National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Commission.

Complaints  :  Last Revised: Wed Jun 29th 2022
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