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What is an NDIS Plan?

Every person who accesses the NDIS scheme will receive an NDIS plan [National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth) s 32]. The NDIA must commence preparing a participant's plan within 21 days of the person becoming a participant of the NDIS [s 32(1)-(2)]. Subsequent plans will be developed upon reassessment or when the participant is due to get a new framework plan (see below) [ s 32(3)].

The plan should as far as possible [s 31]:

  • be individualised,
  • be directed by the participant,
  • consider and respect the role of family and carers and others significant to the life of the participant,
  • strengthen and build capacity of families and carers to support participants who are children, or if parents and families agree as they become adults,
  • consider the availability of informal support and other support services generally,
  • support communities to respond to the goals and needs of the participant,
  • be underpinned by the participant's right to exercise control over their life,
  • advance the inclusion of the participant in community,
  • maximise the choice and independence of the participant,
  • facilitate tailored and flexible responses to the individual goals and needs of the participant, and
  • provide context to the provision of disability services and coordinate service providers.

From 3 October 2024, there are 2 types of plans. These are old framework plans and new framework plans [s 32A].

What is an NDIS Plan?  :  Last Revised: Mon Dec 9th 2024
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