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Release of Sentenced Prisoners

A prisoner who has a 'head sentence' of less than five years, is not imprisoned in relation to specific types of offences set out in the Correctional Services Act 1982 (SA) and who has a non-parole period fixed, is entitled to be released on parole on the day on which the non-parole period expires [Correctional Services Act 1982 (SA) s 66(1)].

By contrast, a prisoner whose 'head sentence' is five years or more or who has been sentenced for one of the specific types of offences may, not more than six months prior to the conclusion of the non-parole period, apply to the Parole Board to decide if they should be released [s 67]. If the Parole Board decides against release, it must notify the prisoner when the prisoner can make another application, which must be not less than six months or more than one year later [Correctional Services Act 1982 s 67(9)].

Release of Sentenced Prisoners  :  Last Revised: Mon Dec 6th 2021
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