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Barking dogs

If a dog (either alone or together with other dogs) creates a noise, by barking or otherwise, which persistently occurs or continues to such a degree or extent that it unreasonably interferes with the peace and comfort of another person, the owner or person responsible for the dog commits an offence [Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 (SA) s 45A(5)].

Maximum Penalty: $1,250 fine

Expiation fee: $315

Both the Dog and Cat Management Board and local councils also have the power to issue Control (Barking Dog) Orders. They can issue this order on their own initiative or by request, if satisfied that the dog is a nuisance and has created noise by barking or otherwise in circumstances that would constitute an offence under s 45A(5) [s 51(e)]. The order requires that all reasonable steps be taken to prevent the dog from repeating the behaviour that gave rise to the order and the dog or the person responsible for the dog (or both) undertake specified training courses [s 50(6)]. The owner or person responsible for the dog commits an offence if the dog then repeats the behaviour in contravention of the order [s 55].

Maximum Penalty: $2,500 fine

Expiation fee: $500

From more information about excessive barking, visit the Dog and Cat Management Board website.

The Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act 2016 (SA), which deals with other nuisance situations, specifically excludes barking dogs from being considered a 'nuisance' under that Act [see s 17 and Sch 1 cl 5(o)]. Barking dog complaints must be dealt with by the Dog and Cat Management Board or local council.

Barking dogs  :  Last Revised: Tue Oct 10th 2023
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