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Potential Dangers

A local council has wide powers to order action to remove hazards on lands adjoining public places, as well as the inappropriate use of motor vehicles [Local Government Act 1999 (SA) s 254].

The council may order the owner or occupier of any land to remove vegetation, which is likely to create danger of difficulties to persons using a public place. They may also order the owner or occupier of land or vehicle or caravan to refrain from using it as a place of habitation.

Before making an order, the council must give the person to whom an order would be directed notice in writing of the proposed order and the reasons why, as well as the opportunity for the person to show why the order should not be made within a specified time frame [ s 255].

If an order is made, it must include a statement setting out the right of the person to whom it is directed to seek a review, including that they may seek a review by SACAT within 14 days of receiving the order [s 256].

Potential Dangers  :  Last Revised: Thu Jan 23rd 2025
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