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Dog ownership

Who is responsible for a dog?

An owner includes the registered owner, the last registered owner (if unregistered), or a person who has apparent ownership (if unregistered) (unless proved to the contrary) [Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 (SA) s 5].

A person who has possession or control of a dog is also responsible for the dog [s 6(1)]. If a dog is seen in company with or closely and continuously following a person immediately before any alleged offence against the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 (SA), the person will be taken to have had possession or control of the dog at the time of the alleged offence (unless proved to the contrary) [s 6(2)].

Anyone who keeps a dog is also liable for the dog [s 66]. This includes an occupier of premises where a dog is kept or permitted to live, unless it can be shown that someone else 16 years or older was responsible for the dog [s 6(3)].

Dog ownership  :  Last Revised: Tue Jun 27th 2017
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