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Selling dogs and cats

Under s 71(1) of the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 (SA), a person selling a dog or cat must give the new owner certain information in writing, including:

  • the name, address and phone number of the seller [reg 19(1)];
  • the name, address and phone number of each breeder and, if they are registered, their identification number [reg 19(2)];
  • whether or not the dog or cat has been vaccinated and, if so, which vaccinations were administered [reg 19(3)(a)];
  • whether or not the dog or cat has been desexed, and, if it has, the date and location of the desexing procedure, the age of the animal at that time, and the name and address of the vet who performed the procedure [reg 19(3)];
  • whether or not the dog or cat has been microchipped, and if it has, the microchip number and details of when and where the microchip procedure was performed [reg 19(4)];
  • other relevant information including whether the dog or cat has been subject to any exemptions from microchipping or desexing, and details of any illness or medical condition that it is known the animal is suffering from [reg 19(5)].

It is an offence to sell a dog or cat without providing the above information to the purchaser, with a maximum penalty of a fine of up to $5,000 (expiation fee $315).

Advertising the sale of a dog or cat

An advertisement for the sale of a dog or cat must include the name and phone number of the seller and the name and phone number of each breeder, and, if they are registered, their identification number [Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 (SA) s 71(2); Dog and Cat Management Regulations 2017 (SA) reg 19(6), (7)]. It is an offence to advertise to sell a dog or cat contrary to these provisions, with a maximum penalty of a fine of up to $5,000 (expiation fee $315).

A registered breeder is not required to provide the above information when selling a dog or cat or advertising to sell a dog or cat to another registered breeder [Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 (SA) s 71(3); Dog and Cat Management Regulations 2017 (SA) reg 19(8)(a)(i)].

Selling dogs and cats  :  Last Revised: Thu Jun 13th 2024
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