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Burials and Cremations

Burial and cremation are the only legal ways of disposing of human remains in South Australia [Burial and Cremation Act 2013 (SA) s 7].

Place of burial

It is an offence to bury a human body in a place that is not a currently authorised cemetery or natural burial ground [Burial and Cremation Act 2013 (SA) s 8].


It an offence to cremate someone elsewhere than a lawfully established crematorium [Burial and Cremation Act 2013 (SA) s 9(2)].

A cremation may only take place if a cremation permit has been issued in relation to the body by the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages [s 9(1)].

Once a body has been cremated, the ashes may be disposed of or kept as determined by the executor of the estate.

Human remains may not be cremated if the personal representative, parent or child of the deceased person objects to the cremation, unless the deceased person directed, by a will or some other signed and witnessed document, that their body be cremated [Burial and Cremation Act 2013 (SA) s 9(3)].

Overseas burial

It is possible to export a body where the deceased or next of kin have requested that the burial take place overseas. Health authorities must approve a request for export. If, for example, communicable diseases are prevalent in South Australia at the time of death, permission may be refused. This procedure is free of charge, but transportation costs are not.

Interment rights

A right to be interred at a particular cemetery or natural burial ground can be issued by the relevant authority pursuant to the Burial and Cremation Act 2013 (SA). From 23 February 2023, it is an offence for the relevant authority of a cemetery or natural burial ground to fail to comply with its obligations under an interment right, even if:

  • the interment right was issued by some other person or body, and/or
  • the relevant authority did not know about the interment right when they assumed administration for the cemetery or natural burial ground.

The maximum penalty is $10,000 for a natural person or $20,000 for a body corporate [s 35]. Some exceptions apply.

There are further offences relating to interment sites in section 13, including:

  • a person must not, without the approval of the Attorney-General, exhume or remove bodily remains from their place of interment, or re-inter in a cemetery or natural burial ground bodily remains that have been exhumed or removed from their place of interment - maximum penalty $20,000 or imprisonment for 4 years
  • subject to some exceptions, a person must not remove cremated remains from an interment site, or re-inter cremated remains that have been removed from an interment site - maximum penalty $10,000.
Burials and Cremations  :  Last Revised: Mon Feb 27th 2023
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