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Proving the offence

Compensation is only available if an offence can be proved beyond reasonable doubt. If the offender was successfully prosecuted there will be no difficulty in proving the offence [Victims of Crime Act 2001 (SA) s 22(2)].

Sometimes the offender is never found. Sometimes a prosecution does not proceed, or proceeds but does not result in a conviction. In such cases, a compensation claim may still succeed if there is enough evidence that the victim’s injuries resulted from a crime. Independent evidence corroborating the crime will be required [s 22(3)]. This can take many forms and is not limited to eyewitness evidence.

In some cases where the offence cannot be proved, a grace payment may be available. See Discretionary payments by the Attorney-General.

Proving the offence  :  Last Revised: Thu Aug 1st 2013
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