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Making the claim

Chapter 21 (Part 3) of the Uniform Civil Rules 2020 governs the civil procedure for making a claim for criminal injuries compensation in the District Court of South Australia.

For the purposes of the Rules, a criminal injuries compensation action is defined as an action instituted under:

Time limits

From 1 April 2025, injury claims should be made within 5 years of the date of the offence [Victims of Crime Act 2001 (SA) s 18(2)(a)]. Claims arising from a death should also be made within 5 years of the date of death [s 18(2)(b)].

Extra time may be available if the victim is unable to manage their own legal affairs because of mental incapacity. The court may accept a late claim for another reason, but it is best to get legal advice well before the time limit runs out. If a victim has a claim but time has run out, they should seek legal advice about an extension.

See also Who can claim compensation?

Legal advice – risks of unsuccessful claims

Victims seeking compensation for criminal injuries should get legal advice. The cost of a successful claim is limited by law and is generally paid by the Victims of Crime Fund. The victim, however, bears the cost of an unsuccessful claim unless there is some other arrangement with the lawyer. A lawyer can usually tell the victim at an early stage whether their claim is likely to succeed or not.

Steps in making a claim

The first step in making a claim is to send the Crown Solicitor the information and documents required by law [see Victims of Crime (Statutory Compensation) Regulations 2019 (SA) Schedule 1 Parts 1 and 2]. This includes:

  • information about the victim and the claimant;
  • information about the offender, and the outcome of any prosecution and/or conviction recorded against the offender;
  • information about any action taken to ascertain the defendant's assets;
  • details of the offence and when it was reported to police (and if not reported, the reason for not reporting the offence);
  • details of the nature and extent of the injury and the losses caused;
  • in cases of homicide, the relationship of the claimant to the victim and details of the date of death and the date of the funeral;
  • hospital reports or reports from a general practitioner or dentist;
  • certified photographs (where a claim is being made for permanent disability due to scarring or disfigurement);
  • statement of loss of earnings;
  • copies of 2 photographic identification documents of the claimant, certified by a legal practitioner or Justice of the Peace;
  • documents that confirm the claimant's relationship to the victim;
  • documents relating to any other amounts received by the claimant from the offender, or through an insurance claim or similar.

If the claimant has a lawyer, they will collate and prepare the application.

The Crown Solicitor considers this information and, if the claim is accepted, can negotiate a payment with the victim or the victim’s lawyer. Many cases are resolved without going to court and without the victim having any further contact with the offender.

If the claim is not settled

If the claim is not settled between the claimant and the Crown Solicitor within 3 months, an application for compensation may be made in the Criminal Injuries Division of the District Court [s 18(5)]. The State of South Australia and the offender (if known) are defendants to this action. It will proceed to trial unless the parties agree on some other result.

The Crown Solicitor may disclose to a victim any information concerning the whereabouts of an offender for the purpose of facilitating service of documents on the offender [s 34A]. However, the court may exempt the claimant from the requirement to serve a copy of the application on the defendant, in which case the defendant does not become a party to the proceedings [s 19(3)(b)].

An application to the court must be made either within the initial application period (5 years from the date of the offence) or within 6 months immediately after the negotiation period has ended. Whichever is the later of these two dates will be the deadline by which the application must be lodged [s 18(6)]. The court may extend this limitation period for any proper reason [s 18(7)].

A party unhappy with a decision of the court can appeal to the Supreme Court within 21 days (or any longer period the Court allows).

Making the claim  :  Last Revised: Fri Mar 28th 2025
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