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Complaints resolved by management resolution

Some complaints are dealt with through a management resolution process [Police Complaints and Discipline Act 2016 (SA) ss 16 - 20].

The matter under this process is referred to a resolution officer who allows the person complained about a chance to respond to the complaint against them, and if the person agrees, and the resolution offer thinks it is appropriate, the resolution officer will attempt to resolve the matter by conciliation [s 18].

During this management resolution process the Commissioner of Police can impose restrictions on the person, provide counselling, issue a reprimand, and if the do so must also provide remedial education and training with a chance for the person to show they have gained the required competencies [see further s 18(4)-(7)].

The resolution officer then has a responsibility to prepare a report on the process [s 19].

The management resolution processes must also be monitored and reviewed [s 20].

Complaints resolved by management resolution  :  Last Revised: Fri Sep 1st 2017
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