Personal information is held by many private agencies including banks, insurers, medical and legal professionals. Increasingly these services may also be relying on digital identity verification services.
Digital identification verification services have been established by the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department under the Identity Verification Services Act 2023 (SA). For more information visit the IDMatch website.
Under the Digital ID Act 2024 (Cth), digital ID service providers will be able to apply to the Digital ID Regulator (ACCC) to become accredited. Accreditation is open to private sector providers and is voluntary, however those accredited will be able to display their accreditation trustmark.
From 1 December 2024, state and territory government services have been able to apply to join the Australian Government Digital ID System as relying services. By December 2026 private sector entities will also be able to apply to the Regulator to participate within the system.
An accredited provider is required to protect the personal information of individuals and keep it private and secure. The OAIC will play a role in regulating the privacy aspects of Digital ID.
The Australian Government Digital ID System myID (formerly known as myGovID) will be used by more services over time. For more information visit Australia's Digital ID System website.
To obtain your personal records from professionals you have been involved with, please refer to the further information about these above.