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Moving to another property

Housing SA required move

If Housing SA considers that the property provided to a tenant is no longer appropriate to the tenant's needs it can ask the tenant to move to another property. They may also be asked to move if the property needs to be vacant for maintenance or redevelopment to take place [see South Australian Housing Trust Act 1995 (SA) s 39A]. In this situation Housing SA tries to negotiate an acceptable housing alternative with the tenant and may cover reasonable costs such as those of a removalist. See the Housing Trust policyon relocation on the South Australian Department of Human Services website.

Applications for transfer

A tenant who has been living in their present home for at least three years can apply for a transfer to a vacant property. Housing SA may approve a Category 1 or 2 transfer where the tenant is at risk or has at least one tenancy issue (such as a need to be closer to medical supports) and where their current accommodation is unsuitable in the long term. See the Housing Trust policyon transfers on the South Australian Department of Human Services website.

Tenant exchanges

Housing SA also operates a scheme through which approved tenants can exchange properties, but this will only be approved if the properties involved are appropriate to the needs of the exchanging tenants. Tenants approved for an exchange must also accept responsibility for a deposit for the new property and the costs of any necessary repairs on their present home that are not the result of wear and tear. See the Housing Trust policy on tenant exchange on the South Australian Department of Human Services website.

More information on relocation, transfer and tenant exchanges is available from Housing SA (see the SA Gov- Transfers and Relocations website.)

Moving to another property  :  Last Revised: Mon Jul 2nd 2018
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