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Persistent Driving While Unlicensed

The Chief Recovery Officer has specific powers regarding debtors who incur fines and debts relating to driving while unlicensed.

Where a person:

  • has been found guilty, or has expiated, on at least two occasions an offence relating to driving while unlicensed [see Motor Vehicles Act 1959 (SA) s 74]; and
  • the debt payable relates, at least in part, to an offence of driving while unlicensed; and
  • since committing the offence to which the debt relates, the person has not committed any further offences of driving while unlicensed; and
  • since committing the offence to which the debt relates, the person has obtained a driver's licence

then the Chief Recovery Officer may waive all or part of the amount owed, or agree to enter into other arrangements pursuant to section 15 of the Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery Act 2017 (SA).

See Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery Act 2017 (SA) ss 16 and 21.

The Chief Recovery Officer cannot decide to waive all or part of the debt if a similar determination has been made in the past [see ss 16(2) and 21(2)].

Persistent Driving While Unlicensed  :  Last Revised: Mon Apr 23rd 2018
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