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Duties of officers of prescribed associations

In addition to the duties that apply to officers of all associations, see Duties of committee members and Duties of officers, the officers of prescribed associations have the following duties under the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 (SA):

  • An officer of a prescribed association who does not act with reasonable care and diligence at all times may be fined up to $1,250 [s 39A(4)]. In addition, the officer must pay the association any profit made and any damage suffered by the association as a consequence.
  • An officer of a prescribed association faces a fine up to $1,250 [s 37(2)] if they, without lawful excuse:
    • refuses or fails to allow an auditor access to the association's records in the officer's custody or control
    • refuses or fails to give any information or explanation when required by the auditor
    • otherwise hinders, obstructs or delays an auditor.
Duties of officers of prescribed associations  :  Last Revised: Thu Sep 7th 2023
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