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JusticeNet SA

JusticeNet SA coordinates free legal help for individuals and charitable not-for-profit organisations that cannot afford a lawyer. JusticeNet runs a Pro Bono Connect service to link in a client with a private legal practitioner for pro bono legal representation, when other avenues of assistance have been exhausted.

JusticeNet also provide a Refugee and Asylum Seeker Assistance referral scheme (for judicial review applications), a Federal Court Self-Representation Service, and a Homeless Legal Outreach service.

Who is eligible for Pro Bono Connect?

Those that are eligible must:

  • be unable to afford a private lawyer without undue hardship;
  • need legal help for a civil law matter which has a reasonable prospect of a successful outcome; and
  • be ineligible for legal aid and unable to obtain appropriate assistance elsewhere, such as from a community legal centre.

Whether your matter raises an issue of public interest and whether you would suffer significant injustice without help or whether you could be expected to self-represent will also be considered in assessing your eligibility.

An application may take up to four weeks to process, depending on its complexity.

If you are eligible, JusticeNet will attempt to refer you to refer you to a lawyer for help with your legal matter (but member lawyers are not obliged to accept referrals).

What does it cost?

You need not pay any fee to lodge an application for the ProBono Connect Service; JusticeNet will assess your application free of charge.

If JusticeNet refers you to a lawyer for free legal help, you will not need to pay for the legal services provided, but you will usually have to pay for any disbursements (for example, for experts reports or court filing fees) that are required in your matter.

Further, if your matter goes to a court or tribunal and you lose the case there may be an order that you pay the other party's costs, which are not covered by JusticeNet.

How do I apply?

Before applying, it is best to check the eligibility guidelines. You will then need to complete an application form and lodge it, together with any supporting documentation that is required, with JusticeNet [link opens in a new window].

JusticeNet SA

Phone: (08) 8410 2280 (Administration only)


JusticeNet SA  :  Last Revised: Fri Dec 16th 2016
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