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Complaints about schools

If a child or parent has a complaint in relation to how a school has handled a matter, this should be raised with the relevant teacher and/or principal of the school in the first instance.

All schools should have policies in place setting out how various matters ought to be handled and how complaints may be raised and responded to. This is required for Child Safe Environments.

If unsatisfied with the school’s response, a child or parent could raise their concerns with the Department of Education’s Complaint Unit(for government schools) or the governing body of the school (for non-government schools).

If still unsatisfied with the Education Department’s response in relation to government schools, a complaint may be made to the Ombudsman SA. For more information see also South Australian Ombudsman.

For non-government schools, if still unsatisfied with the governing body’s response, the peak body for the school may take complaints, such as the Association of Independent Schools of South Australiaor Catholic Education South Australia.

Complaints may also be raised with the Education Standards Board. The Board will, however, refer the complaint back to the school unless it raises proper cause for disciplinary action or inquiry.

Complaints about schools  :  Last Revised: Tue Oct 22nd 2019
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