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Can I see or read what I like without breaking the law?

No, you cannot see or read what you like under the age of 18 and some films are banned completely, for adults as well. Films, computer games and magazines have what is called a “Classification” that means that they are grouped according to what they contain.

The classifications are:

“G” General recommended for general viewing at any age.

“PG” Parental Guidance is recommended if you are under 15.

“M” Mature is not recommended if you are under 15.

“MA15+” Mature Accompanied (children under 15 not admitted unless accompanied by an adult/parent/guardian).

“R18+” Restricted (no admission if you are under 18).

“X18+” Restricted (Films only)

“RC” Refused Classification

[See Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 (Cth) s 7]

See also our factsheet on Porn, Sexual Photos and Films.

Sex shops

Certain films, magazines and video games are not allowed to be watched or bought by people under 18 years old. There are also restrictions on selling or advertising these materials [see generally: Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 (SA)].

Because of these restrictions sex shops may not allow people under 18 to enter their shops. There are also often restrictions on mail-ordering of restricted products from the internet; the online store may ask that a person certifies that they are over the age of 18 before entering the site.

Under the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 (SA), an owner or employee of a shop that sells restricted films may demand name age and address information and can require minors to leave [s 43].

Censorship  :  Last Revised: Thu Jan 30th 2020
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