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Director Identification Numbers

The Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) requires that a company registered in Australia must have at least one director. Please visit the Law Handbook Company Directors section for more information about the appointment of directors, their duties and functions.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) maintains a register of companies. The register includes information about companies including director information. This information is accessible by the public including date of birth and address.

Part 9.1A of the Corporations Act requires all Australian directors to have a unique identification number, called a Director’s Identification Number ('DIN'). Directors include those of registered foreign companies, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth) (CATSI Act).

The regime is being introduced gradually. Up to 28 April 2022, newly appointed directors will need to apply within 28 days of appointment. After 28 April 2022, a director will need to apply before their appointment.

By 30 November 2022, all current directors must get a DIN. All information about companies including linking the DIN to company records will occur in 2023.

A director may only have one DIN. This ensures that each director’s information is accurate and traceable by regulators. Currently, many records may exist for one person. Separate records include different information for the same person. This may result in confusion and avoidance of regulators.

The DIN regime aims to deter directors from phoenixing companies to avoid creditors. Phoenixing is the practice of removing assets from a failing company and transferring them to a new entity for little or no value. The new entity carries on the business while the failed company is put into external administration. If done for an improper purpose, this conduct may attract fines and penalties under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

Even if a person ceases to be a director, changes their name, or moves overseas, the DIN remains linked to that person.

Director Identification Numbers  :  Last Revised: Wed Feb 9th 2022
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