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Eviction by landlord

Often, a lease will allow a landlord to evict a tenant without notice if the rent is in arrears. However, if the tenant is in breach of any other term of the lease, under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1936 (SA) , reasonable notice of the breach must be given to the tenant. Reasonable notice is usually at least ten or fourteen days. The notice must be in writing, specifying what the breach is. The notice must also state what must be done to rectify the breach and at what time. The notice must be signed by the landlord. Once the landlord takes possession of the premises, a notice to quit addressed to the tenant should be attached to the front door of the premises. The tenant can then negotiate to continue to occupy the premises on whatever terms can be agreed.

Eviction by landlord  :  Last Revised: Mon Sep 28th 2020
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