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Police powers after arrest

Rights after arrest

As soon as reasonably practicable after an arrest, police must tell the arrested person that:

  • they have the right to remain silent and not answer police questions (other than those lawfully required to be answered)
  • anything they say may be recorded and used in evidence against them
  • they may call a relative or friend to tell them where they are
  • they are entitled to have a lawyer, friend or relative present during any interrogation or investigation
  • they are entitled to an interpreter if needed.

[Summary Offences Act 1953 (SA) s 79A]

If a person is intoxicated or in a heightened state when they are arrested, these rights should be repeated to them once they have settled down or sobered up [Robinett v Police [2000] SASC 405 at [31]].

Police may stop an arrest person calling a relative or friend if they reasonably suspect that this may result in the destruction or fabrication of evidence or the escape of an accomplice [s 79A(2)].

If a lawyer, relative or friend attends a police station and a request to speak to the arrested person is refused, that person should take notes of the names of all persons spoken to and what was said. This may help cast doubt on the credibility of any interview conducted with the suspect.

If it appears that the arrest is unlawful, a verbal objection should be made to the officer in charge of the police station.

Police powers after arrest  :  Last Revised: Wed Mar 5th 2025
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