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State Heritage Register

The Heritage Places Act 1993 (SA) is intended to preserve, protect and enhance the environmental, social and cultural heritage of the State. The Act establishes a six to eight member State Heritage Council to administer the South Australian Heritage Register, investigate the value, to promote and establish (in appropriate cases) State heritage areas and oversee heritage agreements.

The Council also advises the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water on development affecting registered places or State heritage areas, heritage agreements, funding and other matters concerning heritage conservation as well as providing advice and assistance on heritage conservation matters to councils, planning authorities, owners of land and other people. The South Australian Heritage Register is maintained by the Council. Places of heritage value may be entered in the Register by the Council on its own initiative or on application by any person.

A place is of heritage value if it satisfies one or more of the following criteria:

  • demonstrates important aspects of evolution of State history;
  • has rare, uncommon or endangered qualities that are of cultural significance;
  • may yield information relevant to States history including its natural history;
  • is an outstanding representative of a particular class of places of cultural significance;
  • demonstrates a high degree of creative, aesthetic or technical accomplishment or is an outstanding representative of particular construction techniques or design characteristics;
  • has strong cultural or spiritual associations for the community or group within it;
  • has a special association with the life or work of a person or organisation or an event of historical importance.

There are special provisions dealing with places of geological, palaeontological, archaeological or speleological significance. State heritage areas may also be recognised under the Planning and Design Code and State Atlas pursuant to the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 (SA).

Part 11 of the Planning and Design Code designates places as 'places of local heritage value' for the purposes of section 67 of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 (SA).

State Heritage Register  :  Last Revised: Mon Feb 25th 2013
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