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Office of the Public Advocate

The Public Advocate is an independent statutory (public) official appointed by the Governor in consultation with the Government under the Guardianship and Administration Act 1993 (SA) . The Public Advocate promotes the rights and interests of people with a mental incapacity and, where appropriate, their carers.

Under the Guardianship and Administration Act 1993 (SA), the Public Advocate has direct access to the Minister for Health, the Attorney-General and the Parliament. The Office of the Public Advocate has a responsibility to act to protect people with a mental incapacity from abuse, exploitation and neglect (including self-neglect), see contact details below.

Under the Guardianship and Administration Act 1993 (SA) there are eight general functions of the Public Advocate [s 21(1)]. These functions can be summarised under four headings:

The Public Advocate also has a role in dispute resolution in relation to advance care directives under the Advance Care Directives Act (SA) 2013.

Office of the Public Advocate

Level 7, ABC Building

85 North East Road COLLINSWOOD SA 5081

PO Box 213 PROSPECT SA 5082

Telephone: 8342 8200, 1800 066 969 (country areas)

The Office of the Public Advocate website

Office of the Public Advocate  :  Last Revised: Tue Aug 23rd 2016
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