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Electoral Act 1985 , Voting at state elections Laws Affecting Prisoners Life in prison
Electoral Regulations 2024 (SA), Voting at state elections
Electricity Act 1996 (SA), Complaints against energy and water suppliers
Electronic Communications Act 2000 (SA), Expiation notices
Emergency Management (Residential Aged Care Facilities No 49) (COVID-19) Direction 2022 (SA), Residential aged care facilities
Emergency Management Act 2004 (SA), Offences in Major Emergencies, Major Incidents or Disasters Protection for people assisting with emergency management Emergency declarations Controlled Notifiable Conditions and COVID-19 COVID-19 arrangements and directions Compliance with directions
Encroachments Act 1944 , Common questions about fences Retaining Walls Encroaching Buildings
Energy Resources Act 2000 (SA), State Responsibility Environmental Impact Assessment
Enforcement of Judgments Act 1991 , Enforcing judgment - monetary judgments Investigation Notice Investigation Hearing Examination Hearing Warrant of sale Charging order Garnishee order Enforcing judgment - non-monetary judgments Judgment and enforcement action Investigation Summons Enforcing a Judgment Debt Other options for Enforcement of a Judgment Debt
Environment Protection (Air Quality) Policy 2016 (SA), Environment Protection Policies Air Pollution Air Pollution
Environment Protection (Commercial and Industrial Noise) Policy 2023 (SA), Environment Protection Policies Noise Pollution
Environment Protection (Movement of Controlled Waste) Policy 2014 (SA), Environment Protection Policies
Environment Protection (National Pollutant Inventory) Policy 2008 (SA), Environment Protection Policies
Environment Protection (Used Packaging Materials) Policy 2012 (SA), Environment Protection Policies
Environment Protection (Waste to Resources) Policy 2010 (SA), Environment Protection Policies
Environment Protection (Water Quality) Policy 2015 (SA), Environment Protection Policies Water Pollution
Environment Protection Act 1993 , State Responsibility Individual Responsibility Pollution and Waste Pollution and Waste Licences Environment Protection Policies Noise Pollution Water Pollution Waste Disposal Waste Avoidance Pollution Offences Site Contamination EPA Orders Civil Penalties Major Development (and Environment Impact Statement)
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth), Commonwealth Responsibility Environment Protection and the Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act) What does the EPBC Act do? What is an 'action'? What is a 'significant impact'? How is the assessment and approval process triggered? Public Participation in EPBC Decisions Does the EPBC Act override State Law? Enforcing the EPBC Act Nature Conservation Commonwealth Protected Areas Animals National Heritage Protection World Heritage Environmental Impact Assessment Mining
Environment, Resources and Development Court Act 1993 , Building Work Contracts State Courts Commercial and Other Mediation Services Appeals to the Supreme Court Costs
Equal Opportunity Act 1984 , Acts conferring jurisdiction Discrimination Law Age discrimination Disability discrimination Marital or domestic partnership status Identity of spouse or partner Pregnancy Family caring responsibilities Breastfeeding or association with a child Racial discrimination Sexuality and gender Sex discrimination and sexual harassment Sexual harassment Religion and religious dress Being, or having been, subjected to domestic abuse Exemptions from discrimination laws Making a complaint Victimisation Public interest disclosures Discrimination in the workplace Equal Opportunity Subletting or assignment of tenancy Discrimination Pets Articles (Rules) By-laws (Rules)
Essential Services Commission Act 2002 (SA), Complaints against energy and water suppliers Exempt records - documents and agencies
Evidence Act 1929 , Interviewing suspects with complex communication needs Line-ups Sexual offences Sexual offences where the victim has a cognitive impairment (for example an intellectual disability) Sexual Offences Evidence in Sexual Assault Cases Legal Procedures Publication - restriction on reporting on sexual offences Defence of property Duress Sudden or extraordinary emergency Self defence Interviewing vulnerable witnesses Pre-trial procedures for summary offences Evidence Hearsay Opinion Evidence of a close relative Evidence of a journalist Sworn and unsworn evidence Evidence of vulnerable witnesses Evidence through audio visual record Evidence of victims of domestic violence offences Evidence in proceedings where circumstances of family violence Laws relating to Journalists Going to court
Evidence Act 1995 (Cth), Family dispute resolution How does the Court make decisions?
Evidence Regulations 2022 (SA), Evidence of victims of domestic violence offences
Excise Act 1901 (Cth), Tobacco and E-cigarettes
Expiation of Offences Act 1996 , Expiation Simple Cannabis Offences Expiation notices Grounds for withdrawal of expiation notices Applying for review of expiation notices Electing to be prosecuted Paying expiation fees Enforcement of expiation notices
Expiation of Offences Regulations 2011 (SA), Applying for review of expiation notices Enforcement of expiation notices