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Identity of spouse or partner

This occurs where a person is treated less favourably in public life because of who their spouse is. An example would be where a trader refuses to serve a man in a shop because his wife is a politician whom the trader dislikes.


In South Australia it is unlawful to treat a person less favourably because of who their spouse or partner is [Part 5B of the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA)]. This applies in:

  • work
  • education
  • conferral of qualifications
  • goods and services
  • accommodation
  • sale of land
  • membership of clubs and associations.


Less favourable treatment is not unlawful if, because of who the person’s spouse or partner is, there would be an unreasonable risk to confidentiality, a conflict of interest, a risk to health or safety, or the person’s appointment would be nepotism.

Making a complaint

Complaints can be made to the Equal Opportunity Commissioner of South Australia. There is no cost to lodge a complaint with the Equal Opportunity Commissioner. For forms and guides on making a complaint, see the website for the Equal Opportunity Commissioner.

For complaints relating to discrimination in employment, claims can may made to the Fair Work Commission, see the Employment chapter of the handbook on protected workplace rights: General Protections.

Time limits:

The Equal Opportunity Commissioner normally requires a complaint to be made within 12 months of the event being complained of but can grant extensions of time [Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA) s 93].

General Protections claims relating to dismissal have a 21 day time limit (from the date of notice of dismissal) in the Fair Work Commission, unless exceptional circumstances justify an extension of time [Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) s 394].

Identity of spouse or partner  :  Last Revised: Wed Dec 14th 2022
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