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Acts and legislation


A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999 (Cth), Centrelink
A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999 (Cth), Early childhood services and immunisation requirements, Centrelink
A New Tax System (Medicare Levy Surcharge - Fringe Benefits) Act 1999 (Cth), Legislation and contacts
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth), Aboriginal Heritage
Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 (SA), State Heritage , Heritage Agreements, Aboriginal Heritage , Register of Aboriginal Sites and Objects, Protection of Aboriginal Heritage, Mining, Notice of intention to acquire land
Administrative Decisions (Effect of International Instruments) Act 1995 (SA), International Environmental Law
Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 (Cth), Finding the reasons for the decision, Judicial Review, Application for Judicial Review - Commonwealth, Reasons for decision, Review of decisions, Review of conduct, Tribunals, Waiver, Claiming compensation from Centrelink
Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024 (Cth), Injury, Commonwealth Administrative Appeals , Review of NDIA decisions , Commercial and Other Mediation Services, Second Review by the Administrative Review Tribunal
Administrative Review Tribunal Rules 2024 (Cth), Rights of bankrupts
Adoption (General) Regulations 2018 (SA), Who can be adopted?, Who can adopt?, Relinquishing parents and their consent
Adoption Act 1988 (SA), Acts conferring jurisdiction , Adoption, Who can be adopted?, Who can adopt?, Relinquishing parents and their consent, Step-parent adoption, Registration with Births, Deaths and Marriages, Discharging an adoption order, Searching for birth relatives, Children only, Adopted children
Advance Care Directives (Review) Amendment Act 2023 (SA), Giving effect to an advance care directive
Advance Care Directives Act 2013 (SA), Advance Care Directives, The Advance Care Directives Act, Objects of the Act , Principles in the Act, Making an advance care directive, Witnessing an advance care directive form, When an advance care directive can be used, Changing or revoking an advance care directive, When the person is not competent, What can be included in an advance care directive, Appointment of Substitute Decision-Makers, What cannot be included, Giving effect to an advance care directive, Advance care directives before July 2014, Disputes about advance care directives, Assistance from the Office of the Public Advocate, South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT), Urgent review by Supreme Court, Acts conferring jurisdiction , Investigations, Restrictive practices by registered NDIS providers , Emergency medical or dental treatment, Voluntary Assisted Dying Pathway
Advance Care Directives Regulations 2014 (SA), The Advance Care Directives Act, Witnessing an advance care directive form, Changing or revoking an advance care directive, When the person is not competent, Appointment of Substitute Decision-Makers, Advance care directives before July 2014, Disputes about advance care directives
Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth), Discrimination Law , Age discrimination, Making a complaint, Victimisation, Equal Opportunity
Aged and Infirm Persons Property Act 1940 , Who can make a will?
Aged Care Act 1997 (Cth), Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission , Patients' Rights
Ageing and Adult Safeguarding Act 1995 (SA), South Australian Ombudsman, Adult Safeguarding Unit
Animal Welfare Act 1985 (SA), Injuries to animals, Acts conferring jurisdiction , Assaulting a prescribed emergency worker, Who is a presumptively disqualified person?, Cruelty to animals
Animal Welfare Regulations 2012 (SA), Cruelty to animals
Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Act 2022 (Cth), Sex discrimination and sexual harassment
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth), Supervision of transactions
Archives Act 1983 (Cth), Access to old documents
Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 1988 (SA), Sexuality and gender, No time requirement , Parenting presumptions and birth registration, Assisted reproductive treatment
Assisted Reproductive Treatment Regulations 2024 (SA), Assisted reproductive treatment
Associations Incorporation Act 1985 (SA), Community organisations, Unincorporated associations, Incorporated associations under the Associations Incorporations Act 1985 (SA), Getting incorporated, Consequences of incorporation, The rules, Powers of incorporated associations, Committee members and officers, Duties of committee members, Duties of officers, Public Officer, Annual general meetings, Minutes of meetings, Financial records, Disputes, Ending an association, Possible offences when an association is ending, Prescribed associations, Accounting records, Duties of officers of prescribed associations, Volunteer protection, Acts conferring jurisdiction , Minor Civil Actions, Community housing providers, Housing co-operatives, Housing associations, Lawful authorisation exception
Associations Incorporation Regulations 2023 (SA), Incorporated associations under the Associations Incorporations Act 1985 (SA), Prescribed associations
Australian Citizenship Act 2007 (Cth), Citizenship, Citizenship
Australian Heritage Council Act 2003 (Cth), National Heritage Protection
Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 , Discrimination Law , Types of discrimination, Age discrimination, Disability discrimination, Marital or domestic partnership status, Pregnancy, Family caring responsibilities, Breastfeeding or association with a child, Racial discrimination, Sexuality and gender, Sex discrimination and sexual harassment, Sexual harassment, Religion and religious dress, Political opinion, Social origin, Irrelevant criminal record, Making a complaint, Victimisation, Modern Awards, Discrimination in the workplace, Equal Opportunity
Australian Human Rights Commission Regulations 2019 (Cth), Irrelevant criminal record
Australian Road Rules (SA), Legal obligations after a motor vehicle accident , Traffic Offences , Summary of Demerit Points, Refusing a breath test, Driving Offences, Cycling, Electric scooters and other electric personal transporters , Excessive speed, Give way, Mobile phones, Offences and Duties after Accidents, Seatbelts and child restraints, Speeding, Truck drivers, Parking Offences , Pedestrian Offences
Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (Cth), Regulation of Business, Unfair Contract Terms, Unfair Contract Terms in Insurance Contracts
Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) Act 2022 (SA), Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) Regulations 2024 (SA), Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)


Bail Act 1985 (SA), Assisting an offender, Search and seizure, Arrest, Bail, Applying for bail, Presumption of bail, Guarantors, Conditions of bail, Refusal and review of bail conditions, Review by a magistrate, Telephone review, Review by the Supreme Court, Enforcement of bail agreement, Termination of bail, Police questioning, Liability for further detention and supervision, Getting to safety
Banking Act 1959 (Cth), Banks and Banking
Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth), Who is involved?, Bankruptcy Courts and Jurisdiction, What is Bankruptcy?, Who can become bankrupt?, Types of bankruptcy, Alternatives to bankruptcy, Debt Agreements , Advantages of Bankruptcy, Disadvantages of Bankruptcy, The bankrupt's property, Secured Debts, Goods disposed of for less than market value, Travelling overseas, Property a bankrupt can keep, Income, Offences under the Bankruptcy Act, Rights of bankrupts, How to go bankrupt, Automatic discharge, Objections to discharge, Annulment, Public examination, Who can be a director?, Prohibited mortgages, Bankruptcy, Upon the sale or winding up of the business
Bankruptcy Regulations 2021 (Cth), Advantages of Bankruptcy, The bankrupt's property, Property a bankrupt can keep
Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth), Emergency declarations , Controlled notifiable conditions
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 , Acts conferring jurisdiction , Parenting presumptions and birth registration, Changing a child's name, Registering a change of name, Registering a change of sex or gender , Stillborn babies , Next of Kin
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Regulations 2011 (SA), Parenting presumptions and birth registration, Registering a change of sex or gender
Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (Cth), Libel or Slander
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2009 (SA), For Debtors , For Creditors, Debts in the Building and Construction Industry
Building Work Contractors Act 1995 (SA), Disadvantages of Bankruptcy, Acts conferring jurisdiction , Does a contract have to be in writing? , The Role of Government Agencies, Minor Civil Actions, Starting minor civil claims proceedings, Advice before signing the contract, Building Work, Licensing of Builders, Building Work Contracts, Other Considerations related to Building Work, Minor Domestic Building Work, Defective building work
Building Work Contractors Regulations 2011 (SA), Building Work Contracts
Burial and Cremation Act 2013 (SA), Offences relating to human remains, Next of Kin , Burials and Cremations
Business Names Registration Act 2011 (Cth), Regulation of Business, Registration and licensing, Business owned by a person, Dissolution of business


Carers Recognition Act 2005 (SA), Choking, suffocation or strangulation in a domestic setting, What is abuse?, Intervention orders and tenancy agreements
Casino Act 1997 (SA), Barring Orders under the Liquor Licensing Act , Other Barring Orders
Casino Regulations 2013 (SA), Other Barring Orders
Cheques Act 1986 (Cth), Cheques
Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016 (SA), Custody or guardianship of the Chief Executive, Religious and cultural activities, Acts conferring jurisdiction , Working with children checks, How is "work with children" defined?, Who is excluded from the requirement to have a check?, Who is prohibited from working with children?, How is a working with children check conducted?, Is there a fee?, What is "assessable information"?, When won't the Screening Unit assess all the information?, What measures provide procedural fairness in the assessment?, How is a prohibition notice issued or revoked?, Must employers check that employees have a current working with children check?, Can parents check whether a person working with their child has a check?, Who can adopt?
Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Regulations 2019 (SA), Working with children checks, How is "work with children" defined?, Who is excluded from the requirement to have a check?, Who is prohibited from working with children?, When won't the Screening Unit assess all the information?, What measures provide procedural fairness in the assessment?, Must employers check that employees have a current working with children check?
Child Sex Offenders Registration Act 2006 (SA), Registration of child sex offenders, Paedophile restraint orders, Indeterminate detention, Sentencing Purposes, Principles and Factors , Liability for further detention and supervision, Do those who obtain a check have any ongoing obligations?, Do employers have any ongoing obligations?
Child Sex Offenders Registration Regulations 2022 (SA), Registration of child sex offenders
Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 (Cth), Parental rights and duties, The role of Services Australia - Child Support , Proof of Parentage, Changing your assessment in special circumstances, Limited Child Support Agreements, Binding Child Support Agreements, Setting aside a Child Support Agreement, The family law system
Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988 (Cth), The role of Services Australia - Child Support , The family law system
Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) Act 2016 (SA), South Australian Ombudsman
Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 (SA), Presumption of bail, Children, young people and the law, Legal age to babysit, Leaving home, Early childhood services and immunisation requirements, Protection of children and young people, Children and young people at risk, Notification, Investigation and intervention, Care and Protection Orders, Custody or guardianship of the Chief Executive, Other person guardianship, Review of administrative decisions, Prescribed child protection complaints, Who may apply for a Youth Treatment Order, Child Safe Environments, Education, Can I be charged with an offence at any age?, Acts conferring jurisdiction , Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Institutional and out of home care child sexual abuse, What is "assessable information"?, Must employers check that employees have a current working with children check?, When is an intervention order appropriate?, Conflict with other court orders, Changing a child's name, Restrictive practices by registered NDIS providers
Children and Young People (Safety) Regulations 2017 (SA), Children and young people at risk, Notification, Investigation and intervention, Other person guardianship, Review of administrative decisions
Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (Cth), Drones (Remotely Piloted Aircraft), What is a drone (Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA))?, Types of Remotely Piloted Aircraft and Restrictions Based on Weight, Standard operating conditions for Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) , Conditions particular to type of Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA), Operating Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) for Hire or Reward , Penalties for Unsafe Flying, Indoor Operation of a Remotely Piloted Aircraft
Civil Liability Act 1936 , Accidents on private and public property, Who is liable? , The Occupier's Responsibilities , Accidents on roads and footpaths, Injuries caused by other animals, Determining fault, What can be claimed?, Reduction of claims, Negligence, Alcohol, vaping, tobacco products, and other drugs, Absolute privilege, Racial hatred, Three year time requirement - State law matters, Child abuse - civil claims
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 (Cth), Censorship, Produce, show or sell indecent or offensive material
Climate Change Act 2022 (Cth), Commonwealth Responsibility
Coast Protection Act 1972 (SA), Nature Conservation
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Cth), Public office - elections and voting, Finding out who to sue, Federal elections, Laws Affecting Prisoners , Life in prison
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (Cth), Public office - elections and voting
Community Housing Providers (National Law) (South Australia) Act 2013 (SA), Acts conferring jurisdiction , Community Housing, The role of Housing SA, Community housing providers, Housing co-operatives, Housing associations, Resolving disputes
Community Titles Act 1996 , Minor Civil Actions, Strata Titles, Community Titles, Key Documents and Terms , Types of schemes , Small schemes, Buying into a community title, Community corporation, Powers of the corporation, Officers of the corporation, Records, Access to information, Common property, Financial management, By-laws (Rules), Breaching the by-laws , Management committee, General Meetings, Voting at General Meetings, Types of Resolutions, Body corporate managers, Owners' rights and responsibilities, Disputes, Converting from other schemes , Common questions and answers, Neighbours and the Law
Community Titles Regulations 2011 (SA), Community Titles, Powers of the corporation, Officers of the corporation, Records, Access to information, Financial management, Breaching the by-laws , General Meetings, Voting at General Meetings, Types of Resolutions, Body corporate managers, Owners' rights and responsibilities
Competition and Consumer (Consumer Data Right) Rules 2020 (Cth), Consumer Data - Breaches and Rights
Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), Regulation of Business, Does a contract have to be in writing? , Consumer Protection, The Role of Government Agencies, Other Options for Consumers, Statutory Guarantees, Guarantees as to the supply of services, Misleading or Deceptive Conduct, Unfair Contract Terms, Unsolicited consumer agreements, Telemarketing, Pyramid sales, Gift Cards, Consumer Data - Breaches and Rights, Building Work, Federal Court of Australia, Action against the supplier, Action against the manufacturer
Competition and Consumer Regulations 2010 (Cth), Consumer Protection, Who is a Consumer?, Other Options for Consumers, Remedies, Consumer remedies - supply of goods, Consumer remedies - supply of services, Misleading or Deceptive Conduct, Unfair Practices, Unfair Contract Terms, Gift Cards
Consent to Medical Treatment and Palliative Care Act 1995 , Advance Care Directives, Advance care directives before July 2014, Treatment Orders, Acts conferring jurisdiction , Patients' Rights , Consent , Children under 16 years, When someone 16 or over can't consent, Emergency medical or dental treatment, Care when dying, Voluntary Assisted Dying Pathway
Constitution Act 1934 , Public office - elections and voting, The Australian Constitutional System, Voice to Parliament, Laws Affecting Prisoners
Construction Industry Long Service Leave Act 1987 (SA), Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), Long Service Leave
Controlled Substances (Controlled Drugs, Precursors and Plants) Regulations 2014 (SA), Simple Cannabis Offences , Possession for personal use, Manufacture, Cultivation and Sale , Presumption of sale, Possession or Sale of Equipment
Controlled Substances (Pure Amounts) Amendment Act 2022 (SA), Manufacture, Cultivation and Sale , Trafficking of a Controlled Drug
Controlled Substances Act 1984 , Search and seizure, Presumption of bail, Intervention Orders and Child Protection Restraining Orders and Notices, Assessment, treatment and detention orders for drug dependency, Who may apply for a Youth Treatment Order, Conditions of detention, Representation of children, Acts conferring jurisdiction , What is a Crime?, Alcohol, vaping, tobacco products, and other drugs, Drug Offences, Aggravated offences, Simple Cannabis Offences , Possession for personal use, Definition of 'possession', Manufacture, Cultivation and Sale , Presumption of sale, Manufacture of a Controlled Drug , Possession or Sale of Equipment , Sale or Possession of Instructions , Production, promotion and sale of controlled drug alternatives, Trafficking of a Controlled Drug, Sentencing Principles , Diversionary Schemes and the Treatment Intervention Court , Police Powers , Additional Offences , Emergency declarations , Care and Control Powers
Conversion Practices Prohibition Act 2024 (SA), Conversion practices
Conveyancers Act 1994 , Acts conferring jurisdiction , The Role of Government Agencies, Land agents, Agents Indemnity Fund
Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), Intellectual property, The Copyright Act, What is protected?, Legal rights of owners, Moral rights, Who owns copyright?, Duration periods by category of material, Assignments and licences, Infringement and remedies, Acts that do not infringe copyright, Design and copyright, Frequently asked questions, Laws relating to Journalists
Coroners Act 2003 , Coroner's Court, State Courts, How are royal commissions different from..., Coroner's Inquests
Coroners Regulations 2020 , Coroner's Inquests
Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), Who can become bankrupt?, Disadvantages of Bankruptcy, Regulation of Business, Businesses owned by a company, Company directors, Who can be a director?, COVID-19 Insolvent Trading Relief, General Duties of Directors - Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), Specific Duties of Directors, Director Identification Numbers, Insolvent Companies, Retention of Title Arrangements, Modern Slavery Reporting Requirements, Working finance, Resignation of a director, Community organisations, Committee members and officers, Complaints against banking, financial services, insurance companies and super funds, What credit contracts are excluded from the NCC?, Insurance, Investigation Hearing, Starting proceedings in the Magistrates Court, Public interest disclosures, Transfer of business, Upon the sale or winding up of the business, Compensation and other remedies, Financial management, The duty of utmost good faith
Corporations Amendment (Meeting and Documents) Act 2022 (Cth), Does a contract have to be in writing?
Correctional Services Act 1982 , Arrest, Warrants for arrest, Notification, Institutional and out of home care child sexual abuse, Flying drones near correctional institutions, Laws Affecting Prisoners , Prison Institutions, Going to Prison, Admission to prison, Searches and drug testing, Life in prison, Solitary confinement, Restraints, Contacting prisoners, Breaches of regulations, Hearings and inquiries, Obstructing a Visiting Tribunal, Breach of leave conditions, Escaping, Offences by prisoners, Offences by others, Release of Sentenced Prisoners , Leave of absence, Home detention, Parole, The Ombudsman SA, Correctional Services Victim Register
Correctional Services Regulations 2016 (SA), Laws Affecting Prisoners , Admission to prison, Searches and drug testing, Contacting prisoners, Breaches of regulations, Hearings and inquiries
Courts (Mediation and Arbitration) Act 1991 (Cth), Commercial and Other Mediation Services
Crimes Act 1914 (Cth), Search and seizure, Arrest, Presumption of bail, What is a Crime?, Arson and property damage, Commonwealth offences, Citizenship, Penalties for Unsafe Flying
Criminal Assets Confiscation Act 2005 (SA), Search and seizure, Confiscation of assets or profits , Unexplained wealth orders, Forfeiture orders
Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth), Modern Slavery Reporting Requirements, Stalking, cyber stalking and cyber bullying, Unlawful Threats, Arson and property damage, Firearms trafficking - Commonwealth offences , 'Sexting' and the production and dissemination of child abuse material , Distribution of invasive images (image-based abuse), Intensive correction order , Good behaviour bonds, Citizenship, Marriage, Voluntary Assisted Dying Pathway, Prosecution
Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1978 , Victims of Crime Compensation, Making the claim
Criminal Investigation (Covert Operations) Act 2009 (SA), Lawful authorisation exception
Criminal Investigation (Extraterritorial Offences) Act 1984 , Search and seizure
Criminal Law (Clamping, Impounding and Forfeiture of Vehicles) Act 2007 (SA), Clamping, impounding, seizure and forfeiture of vehicles
Criminal Law (Clamping, Impounding and Forfeiture of Vehicles) Regulations 2022 (SA), Clamping, impounding, seizure and forfeiture of vehicles
Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Act 2007 , Powers to search and examine, Medical examination, Victims and Volunteers DNA samples
Criminal Law (High Risk Offenders) Act 2015 (SA), Applying for bail, Liability for further detention and supervision
Criminal Law (High Risk Offenders) Regulations 2015 (SA), Liability for further detention and supervision
Criminal Law Consolidation (General) (Human Remains Reporting) Amendment Regulations 2022 , Offences relating to human remains
Criminal Law Consolidation (General) Regulations 2021 (SA), Assault, Assault causing harm, Other assaults, Causing death or harm by dangerous driving, Unlawful Threats, False or misleading information entered into ECMS (CourtSA), Assaulting a prescribed emergency worker, Causing death or harm by dangerous driving, Extreme Speed
Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 , Assisting an offender, Police arrest procedure, Police security officers, security guards and others, Presumption of bail, Parental rights and duties, Physical punishment, Legal age to babysit, Notification, School Discipline, What is a Crime?, Elements of a Criminal Offence , Minor Indictable Offences, Magistrates Court Diversion Program, What is an aggravated offence?, Common Offences , Assault, Assault causing harm, Other assaults, Causing death or harm by dangerous driving, Choking, suffocation or strangulation in a domestic setting, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Murder, Manslaughter, Offences relating to human remains, Prohibited act involving human biological material, Stalking, cyber stalking and cyber bullying, Unlawful Threats, Arson and property damage, Deception, Dishonest interference with merchandise, Cheating at Gambling, Computer offences, False or misleading information entered into ECMS (CourtSA), Robbery, Serious criminal trespass, Theft and Receiving, Definitions in relation to theft offences, General deficiency, Using a motor vehicle without consent, Offences against prescribed emergency workers, Assaulting a prescribed emergency worker, Dangerous driving to escape police pursuit, Shooting at a police officer, Affray, Riot, Gatecrashing - trespass at private parties, Weapons, Police powers to search for weapons, Discharge of firearm to injure, annoy or frighten or damage property , Sexual offences, Encourage use of website dealing with child exploitation material , Host or administer website dealing with child exploitation material , Institutional and out of home care child sexual abuse, Possession of child exploitation material , Possession of child-like sex dolls, Production of child exploitation material , Production of child-like sex dolls, Procuring child to commit indecent act, 'Sexting' and the production and dissemination of child abuse material , Sexual offences where the victim has a cognitive impairment (for example an intellectual disability), Unlawful sexual intercourse, Registration of child sex offenders, Dishonest communication with a child , Criminal neglect, Recruiting children to commit crimes, Traffic Offences , Appeals - Breach of Conditions, Causing death or harm by dangerous driving, Causing death or serious harm by careless use of vehicle, Dangerous driving to escape police, Driving while disqualified, Extreme Speed, Offences and Duties after Accidents, Reckless driving causing injury or death, Street Racing, Throwing objects at vehicles, Public transport passenger offences, Clamping, impounding, seizure and forfeiture of vehicles, Sexual Offences, Alternative verdicts in sexual assault cases, Rape, Consent to sexual activity, Compelled sexual manipulation, Indecent assault, Incest, Indeterminate detention, Aggravated offences, Serious and Organised Crime , Participation in criminal organisation, Criminal organisations in public places, prescribed places and prescribed events , Defence of property, Home invasion, Duress, Necessity (duress of circumstance), Sudden or extraordinary emergency, Intoxication, Mental Impairment, Provocation, Self defence, Serious repeat offenders , Pre-trial special hearings, What is a spent conviction?, What types of convictions can be spent?, Liability for further detention and supervision, Forfeiture, Criminal Defamation, Marriage, Criminal charges, Assault, Stalking, Abortions, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) , Care when dying, Voluntary Assisted Dying Pathway, Laws Affecting Prisoners , Contacting prisoners, Escaping, Offences by others, Parole, Claims arising from homicide, Suicide
Criminal Procedure (General) Regulations 2017 (SA), Pre-Committal Process , Court costs
Criminal Procedure Act 1921 (SA), Arrest, Intervention Orders and Child Protection Restraining Orders and Notices, General Principles in Criminal Law , Summary Offences, Minor Indictable Offences, Arson and property damage, Paedophile restraint orders, Sexual Offences, Evidence in Sexual Assault Cases, Alibi, Bringing a defendant to Court , Laying a charge, Bringing the defendant to court, First appearance in Court, Indictable Offences , Election, Bringing the person charged to Court , Pre-Committal Process , Committal Process , Charge Determination , Committal Appearance , No Case to Answer , Committal for Sentence , Committal for Trial , Declining to prosecute , The arraignment, Preparing for trial, Prosecutor's reply, Court costs, Appeals , Application to set aside an ex parte conviction, Right of appeal, Appeals against conviction, Appeals against sentence, Liability for further detention and supervision, State Courts, Types of prisoners
Customs Act 1901 (Cth), Arrest, What is a Crime?, Drug Offences, Presumption of sale, Tobacco and E-cigarettes, Customs Act offences , Importing, Ancilliary offences, Powers of Police and Customs officers


Dangerous Substances Act 1979 , Prescribed concentration of alcohol
Data Availability and Transparency (Consequential Amendments) Transitional Rules 2022 (Cth), Office of the National Data Commissioner and National Data Advisory Council
Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022 , Office of the National Data Commissioner and National Data Advisory Council
Death (Definition) Act 1983 , Organ Donation
Defamation Act 2005 , What is Defamation?, Who can be defamed, Where cases are heard , Libel or Slander , Defences, Truth, Fair comment, Absolute privilege, Qualified privilege, Concerns Notices, Apologies, Remedies, Damages, Time limits, Laws relating to Journalists
Defence Act 1903 (Cth), Veterans
Defence Service Homes Act 1918 (Cth), The home
Designs Act 2003 (Cth), Intellectual property, Design and copyright
Designs Regulations 2004 (Cth), Design and copyright
Development Act 1993 , Building Work Contracts, Planning and Development , Planning and Development - Assessment Authorities , Development applications, Categories of Development, Public consultation, Certificate of occupancy, Swimming pool fences and safety
Digital ID Act (Cth), Personal Information
Director of Public Prosecutions Act 1991 (SA), Ex officio Information (indictments)
Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth), Discrimination Law , Disability discrimination, Making a complaint, Victimisation, Equal Opportunity, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) , Assistance dogs
Disability Inclusion (NDIS Worker Check) Regulations 2020 (SA), Working with people with disability checks (NDIS), Who is a disqualified person?, Who is a presumptively disqualified person?, Can an NDIS Worker Clearance be suspended or cancelled?
Disability Inclusion (Restrictive Practices - NDIS) Regulations 2021 (SA), Restrictive practices by registered NDIS providers
Disability Inclusion Act 2018 (SA), Working with people with disability checks (NDIS), When is a clearance check required?, Who is prohibited from working with people with disability?, Application for NDIS Worker Check Clearance, What if a person already has a disability services employment clearance?, Restrictive practices by registered NDIS providers , Voluntary Assisted Dying Pathway
District Court Act 1991 , Administrative and Disciplinary Division of the District Court, State Courts, Commercial and Other Mediation Services
District Court Civil Rules 2006 (SA), District Court and Supreme Court
District Court Practice Directions 2006 (SA), Commercial and Other Mediation Services
Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 , Injuries caused by dogs, Options for compensation, Acts conferring jurisdiction , Complaints against councils (Local government), Disability discrimination, Articles (Rules), Local Government , Noise, Animals, Dog ownership, Dog registration, Cat registration, Duties of dog owners, Types of dogs, Assistance dogs, Microchipping , Desexing , Lost and wandering dogs, Barking dogs, Dog attacks, Powers of local councils, Control and destruction orders, Review of Control and Destruction Orders , Seizure and destruction of dogs, Seizure and destruction of cats, Breeding dogs and cats , Selling dogs and cats , Who can claim compensation?
Dog and Cat Management Regulations 2017 (SA), Duties of dog owners, Assistance dogs, Microchipping , Desexing , Breeding dogs and cats , Selling dogs and cats
Domestic Partners Property Act 1996 , No time requirement , Companion relationships and property disputes, When is an intervention order appropriate?, Spouse or domestic partner only


Electoral Act 1985 , State elections, Laws Affecting Prisoners , Life in prison
Electricity Act 1996 (SA), Complaints against energy and water suppliers
Electronic Communications Act 2000 (SA), Expiation notices
Emergency Management (Residential Aged Care Facilities No 49) (COVID-19) Direction 2022 (SA), Residential aged care facilities
Emergency Management Act 2004 (SA), Offences in Major Emergencies, Major Incidents or Disasters, Protection for people assisting with emergency management , Emergency declarations , Controlled Notifiable Conditions and COVID-19, COVID-19 arrangements and directions, Compliance with directions
Encroachments Act 1944 , Common questions about fences, Retaining Walls , Encroaching Buildings
Energy Resources Act 2000 (SA), State Responsibility, Environmental Impact Assessment
Enforcement of Judgments Act 1991 , Enforcing judgment - monetary judgments, Investigation Notice, Investigation Hearing, Examination Hearing, Warrant of sale, Charging order, Garnishee order, Enforcing judgment - non-monetary judgments, Judgment and enforcement action, Investigation Summons, Enforcing a Judgment Debt, Other options for Enforcement of a Judgment Debt
Environment Protection (Air Quality) Policy 2016 (SA), Environment Protection Policies, Air Pollution, Air Pollution
Environment Protection (Commercial and Industrial Noise) Policy 2023 (SA), Environment Protection Policies, Noise Pollution
Environment Protection (Movement of Controlled Waste) Policy 2014 (SA), Environment Protection Policies
Environment Protection (National Pollutant Inventory) Policy 2008 (SA), Environment Protection Policies
Environment Protection (Used Packaging Materials) Policy 2012 (SA), Environment Protection Policies
Environment Protection (Waste to Resources) Policy 2010 (SA), Environment Protection Policies
Environment Protection (Water Quality) Policy 2015 (SA), Environment Protection Policies, Water Pollution
Environment Protection Act 1993 , State Responsibility, Individual Responsibility, Pollution and Waste , Pollution and Waste Licences, Environment Protection Policies, Noise Pollution, Water Pollution, Waste Disposal, Waste Avoidance, Pollution Offences, Site Contamination, EPA Orders, Civil Penalties, Major Development (and Environment Impact Statement)
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth), Commonwealth Responsibility, Environment Protection and the Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act) , What does the EPBC Act do?, What is an 'action'?, What is a 'significant impact'?, How is the assessment and approval process triggered?, Public Participation in EPBC Decisions, Does the EPBC Act override State Law?, Enforcing the EPBC Act, Nature Conservation , Commonwealth Protected Areas, Animals, National Heritage Protection , World Heritage , Environmental Impact Assessment , Mining
Environment, Resources and Development Court Act 1993 , Building Work Contracts, State Courts, Commercial and Other Mediation Services, Appeals to the Supreme Court , Costs
Equal Opportunity Act 1984 , Acts conferring jurisdiction , Conversion practices, Discrimination Law , Age discrimination, Disability discrimination, Marital or domestic partnership status, Identity of spouse or partner, Pregnancy, Family caring responsibilities, Breastfeeding or association with a child, Racial discrimination, Sexuality and gender, Sex discrimination and sexual harassment, Sexual harassment, Religion and religious dress, Being, or having been, subjected to domestic abuse, Exemptions from discrimination laws, Making a complaint, Victimisation, Public interest disclosures, Discrimination in the workplace, Equal Opportunity, Subletting or assignment of tenancy, Discrimination, Pets, Articles (Rules), By-laws (Rules)
Essential Services Commission Act 2002 (SA), Complaints against energy and water suppliers, Exempt records - documents and agencies
Evidence Act 1929 , Interviewing suspects with complex communication needs, Line-ups, Sexual offences, Sexual offences where the victim has a cognitive impairment (for example an intellectual disability), Sexual Offences, Evidence in Sexual Assault Cases, Legal Procedures, Publication - restriction on reporting on sexual offences, Defence of property, Duress, Sudden or extraordinary emergency, Self defence, Interviewing vulnerable witnesses , Pre-trial procedures for summary offences, Evidence , Hearsay, Opinion, Evidence of a close relative, Evidence of a journalist , Sworn and unsworn evidence, Evidence of vulnerable witnesses, Evidence through audio visual record, Evidence of victims of domestic violence offences, Evidence in proceedings where circumstances of family violence, Laws relating to Journalists , Going to court
Evidence Act 1995 (Cth), Family dispute resolution, How does the Court make decisions?
Evidence Regulations 2022 (SA), Evidence of victims of domestic violence offences
Excise Act 1901 (Cth), Tobacco and E-cigarettes
Expiation of Offences Act 1996 , Expiation , Simple Cannabis Offences , Expiation notices, Grounds for withdrawal of expiation notices, Applying for review of expiation notices, Electing to be prosecuted, Paying expiation fees, Enforcement of expiation notices
Expiation of Offences Regulations 2011 (SA), Applying for review of expiation notices, Enforcement of expiation notices


Fair Trading (Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry Code of Conduct) Regulations 2023 (SA), Insurance
Fair Trading Act 1987 , Insurance, Resolving disputes between businesses, Complaints against a builder or tradesperson, Consumer Protection, If there is a dispute, The Role of Government Agencies, Consumer remedies - supply of services, Building Work Contracts, Ticket Scalping, Credit Ratings, Minor Civil Actions, Being pursued for a debt, Building Work Contracts
Fair Trading Regulations 2010 (SA), Insurance
Fair Work (Statement of Principles on Genuine Agreement) Instrument 2023 , Enterprise Agreements
Fair Work Act 1994 , Employment Laws and Useful Websites, Employees and Independent Contractors , Breach of contract , South Australian Employment & Industrial Relations Law , Awards, Enterprise Agreements, State Public Sector Workers, Local Government Workers, Other Legislation, Long Service Leave, Equal Opportunity, By giving notice, Unfair Dismissal , Unfair dismissal under State Law, Underpayment of Wages , Getting help from an employer, Lawful authorisation exception
Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), Garnishee order, Other options for Enforcement of a Judgment Debt, Discrimination Law , Age discrimination, Disability discrimination, Marital or domestic partnership status, Identity of spouse or partner, Pregnancy, Family caring responsibilities, Breastfeeding or association with a child, Racial discrimination, Sexuality and gender, Sex discrimination and sexual harassment, Sexual harassment, Religion and religious dress, Being, or having been, subjected to domestic abuse, Political opinion, Social origin, Employment Laws and Useful Websites, Employment and Labour Hire Workers, Employees and Independent Contractors , The employer's duties and rights, Casual employees, Fixed term contracts, Federal Employment & Industrial Relations Law (most workers in Australia), Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), The National Employment Standards, Modern Awards, Enterprise Agreements, General Protections (protected workplace rights), Pregnancy and parental leave, Transfer of business, South Australian Employment & Industrial Relations Law , Enterprise Agreements, Unlawful termination protections for State system employees , Other Legislation, Equal Opportunity, By giving notice, Summary dismissal - 'on the spot', Redundancy, Redeployment, Unfair Dismissal , Unfair dismissal under federal law, Small Business Fair Dismissal Code , Unfair dismissal under State Law, Underpayment of Wages , Getting help from an employer, Parental Leave Pay , Employers' files
Fair Work Regulations 2009 (Cth), Employees and Independent Contractors , The National Employment Standards, Getting help from an employer
Family and Community Services Act 1972 , Children, young people and the law, Institutional and out of home care child sexual abuse, What is "assessable information"?
Family Law (Superannuation) Regulations 2001 (Cth), How is superannuation dealt with?
Family Law Act 1975 (Cth), Children, young people and the law, Parental rights and duties, Legal age to babysit, Children and young people at risk, Proof of Parentage, Changing your assessment in special circumstances, Adult child maintenance, Court applications, The family law system, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, Family dispute resolution, Court rules and registry, Annulment, Marriage, Divorce, Grounds for divorce, Separation under one roof, Applying for divorce, The making of a divorce order, Does registering our relationship remove the time requirements?, No time requirement , Two year time requirement - property disputes, Property disputes not covered by the Family Law Act, amica - Assistance reaching and recording agreements, When is an intervention order appropriate?, Getting an intervention order from the police, Conflict with other court orders, Parenting orders, What is family violence?, What can State Magistrates Courts do?, What can the Federal Circuit and Family Court do?, Family Violence and Cross-Examination of Parties Scheme (section 102NA order), Arrangements for children, Coming to an agreement, What is a parenting order?, Who can apply for parenting orders?, Can children apply?, What needs to be done before applying?, How is an application made?, What will it cost?, How does the Court make decisions?, What about the children's views?, Do the children get a lawyer?, What evidence will the court consider?, How is parentage determined?, What if one parent refuses to return the children?, What if one parent dies?, How long do parenting orders last?, How are parenting orders enforced?, Dividing property, Applying for property settlement, Do time limits apply?, Urgent applications - injunctions, How is superannuation dealt with?, What if one party is bankrupt?, Can property orders be changed?, Maintenance, Step-parent adoption, The effect of legislation on case law, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, Family Mediation, Commercial and Other Mediation Services, Police and Court Records, Inadequate provision, Spouse or domestic partner only
Family Law Regulations 1984 (Cth), Proof of Parentage, Serving a divorce application, Commercial and Other Mediation Services
Family Relationships Act 1975 , Does registering our relationship remove the time requirements?, Three year time requirement - State law matters, What is abuse?, Parenting presumptions and birth registration, Assisted reproductive treatment, Surrogacy, Guardianship and Administration, When someone 16 or over can't consent, Claims arising from homicide, Inadequate provision, Spouse or domestic partner only, Children only, Ex-nuptial children
Farm Debt Mediation Act 2018 (SA), Resolving disputes between businesses, Debts in the Farming Industry
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2) (Family Law) Rules 2021 (Cth), Court rules and registry, Applying for property settlement
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Family Law) Rules 2021 (Cth), Family dispute resolution, Court rules and registry, Serving a divorce application, The making of a divorce order, Can children apply?, What needs to be done before applying?, What will it cost?, What evidence will the court consider?, How are parenting orders enforced?, Coming to an agreement, What needs to be done before applying?, What needs to be disclosed?, Commercial and Other Mediation Services
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia Act 2021 (Cth), Applying for property settlement
Federal Court and Federal Circuit and Family Court Regulations 2022 (Cth), Bankruptcy
Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 , Commercial and Other Mediation Services
Federal Court Rules 2011 (Cth), Commercial and Other Mediation Services, Action against the manufacturer
Fences Act 1975 , Minor Civil Actions, Starting minor civil claims proceedings, Possible responses from the respondent, Common questions and answers, Neighbours and the Law , Fences, Sharing costs between neighbours, Disputes, Access to property, Common questions about fences, Encroaching Buildings
Financial Services Reform Act 2001 (Cth), Legislation and contacts
Financial Transaction Reports Act 1988 (Cth), Supervision of transactions
Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery Act 2017 (SA), Driving while disqualified, Community service orders, Compensation and restitution of property , Fine Enforcement , Community service orders, Treatment programs , Persistently driving unlicensed, Example of an unpaid court fine, Debts owed to Public Authorities , Expiation notices, Grounds for withdrawal of expiation notices, Electing to be prosecuted, Paying expiation fees, Enforcement of expiation notices , Applying for review of an enforcement determination, Paying court fines, Persistent Driving While Unlicensed , Enforcement of court fines, Where does the money come from?
Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery Regulations 2018 (SA) (SA), Example of an unpaid court fine, Paying expiation fees, Enforcement of expiation notices , Applying for review of an enforcement determination, Paying court fines
Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 , Air Pollution
Firearms Act 2015 (SA), Firearms, Acts conferring jurisdiction , Firearms, Penalties for unauthorised possession, Firearms licences, Firearms prohibition orders, Powers to require information, search and seize firearms, Comprehensive penalty summary, Weapons
Firearms Regulations 2017 (SA), Firearms, Firearms licences, Weapons
First Home and Housing Construction Grants Act 2000 , Acts conferring jurisdiction , Complaints about taxation (State government)
First Nations Voice Act 2023 (SA), Voice to Parliament
First Nations Voice Regulations 2023 , Voice to Parliament
Fisheries Management Act 2007 (SA), State Responsibility, Marine Protected Areas, Fishing
Food Act 2001 , Local Government
Forestry Act 1950 (SA), Plants
Forestry Regulations 2013 (SA), Flying drones in a forest reserve
Forfeiture Act 2024 (SA), Forfeiture
Freedom of Information (Exempt Agency) Regulations 2023 (SA), Assistance from the Office of the Public Advocate, Exempt records - documents and agencies
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth), Rights of bankrupts, Commonwealth Administrative Appeals , Clients' Rights, How to make a request to Centrelink for a file, The Commonwealth Government , How to get access, Exemptions, Personal documents, Agencies to which the Act does not apply, Access to old documents, Internal reviews, Information Commissioner, Role of the Ombudsman
Freedom of Information Act 1991 , Assistance from the Office of the Public Advocate, South Australian Ombudsman, Acts conferring jurisdiction , Absolute privilege, Patients' Rights , Obtaining Medical Records , State Government, How to gain access to information, Exempt records - documents and agencies, Amendment of personal records, Review of decisions
Frustrated Contracts Act 1988 , Contracts, When a contract ends


Harbors and Navigation Act 1993 (SA), Boat licences, Boating Offences
Harbors and Navigation Regulations 2023 (SA), Boat licences, Boating Offences
Health and Community Services Complaints Act 2004 (SA), Prescribed child protection complaints, South Australian Ombudsman, Complaints about child protection services, Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner (SA), Code of Conduct for certain health care workers , Patients' Rights
Health and Other Services (Compensation) Act 1995 (Cth), Finalising an injury claim
Health Care Act 2008 (SA), State Public Sector Workers, Abortions - Safe Access Zones, Photography and film in public places
Health Insurance Act 1973 , Medicare, Legislation and contacts
Heavy Vehicle National Law (South Australia) 2013 (SA), Truck drivers
Heritage Places Act 1993 (SA), State Heritage , State Heritage Register, Heritage Agreements, Stop Orders, Restoration and No Development Orders
Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976 (Cth), Shipwrecks in Australian Waters, Shipwrecks in State Waters
Historic Shipwrecks Act 1981 (SA), Shipwrecks in State Waters
Housing Improvement Act 2016 (SA), The landlord's obligations, Repairs, Tenant terminating a tenancy, Substandard properties, Housing improvement orders, Disclosure obligations, Effect of housing orders on tenants and occupiers, Unit holders, Owners' rights and responsibilities
Housing Improvement Regulations 2017 (SA), Repairs, Housing improvement orders
Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act 2023 (SA), State Responsibility


Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012 (SA), South Australian Ombudsman, Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and the Office for Public Integrity (OPI)
Independent Contractors Act 2006 (Cth), Employees and Independent Contractors
Industrial Hemp Act 2017 (SA), Drug Offences
Industrial Referral Agreements Act 1986 (SA), Commercial and Other Mediation Services
Inheritance (Family Provision) Act 1972 , Inadequate provision
Insurance Contracts Act 1984 , Insurance, Legislation and contacts, The duty of utmost good faith, Unfair Contract Terms in Insurance Contracts, The insured's duty of disclosure
Insurance Contracts Regulations 2017 (Cth), Insurance
Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009 (SA), Arrest, Presumption of bail, Conditions of bail, Intervention Orders and Child Protection Restraining Orders and Notices, Breaching an intervention order, Stalking, cyber stalking and cyber bullying, Committal Appearance , Sentencing Purposes, Principles and Factors , Intervention orders, No time requirement , Getting to safety, What is an intervention order?, When can an intervention order be made?, When is an intervention order appropriate?, Who can be protected by an intervention order?, What is abuse?, Non-domestic abuse intervention orders , What can be ordered?, Prohibitions on proximity to the protected person, Prohibitions on contact (direct or indirect), Tenancy orders, Firearms terms, Problem gambling orders, Intervention programs, Orders in relation to property (land and things), The date when the respondent may apply for variation or revocation, Applying for an intervention order, Getting an intervention order from the police, On what grounds can an order be made? , Recorded Evidence, Giving evidence in Court, When does an intervention order begin?, Conflict with other court orders, Breaches of an intervention order, Who can apply to change or cancel an order?, Recognition of intervention orders nationally, What can State Magistrates Courts do?, Breaching an intervention order, Abortions, Neighbours and the Law , Trespassers


Labour Hire Licensing Act 2017 (SA), Registration and licensing, Employment and Labour Hire Workers, License holders and registered professionals
Labour Hire Licensing Regulations 2018 (SA), Employment and Labour Hire Workers, License holders and registered professionals
Land Acquisition Act 1969 , Acts conferring jurisdiction , Compulsory Acquisition of Land , Notice of intention to acquire land, Notice of acquisition, Compensation, Temporary occupation
Land Agents Act 1994 , Disadvantages of Bankruptcy, Acts conferring jurisdiction , The Role of Government Agencies, Land agents, Agents Indemnity Fund, Selling a home
Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994 , The contract, Cooling off, Changing owners of a business, The Role of Government Agencies, Preliminary requirements for NCC regulation, Site Contamination, Buying a strata unit, Buying into a community title, The contract, The purchase price, Deposit, Advice before signing the contract, After signing the contract, Auctions, Offers, Common questions about fences
Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Regulations 2010 (SA), Buying a strata unit, Buying into a community title, Cooling-off period, Offers, Form 1
Land Valuers Act 1994 , Acts conferring jurisdiction , The Role of Government Agencies
Landlord and Tenant Act 1936 , Eviction by landlord, Seizing goods
Landscape South Australia (General) Regulations 2020 (SA), Water Pollution, Natural Resource Management , Farming
Landscape South Australia Act 2019 (SA), State Responsibility, Water Pollution, Nature Conservation , Natural Resource Management , Water, Farming
Law of Property Act 1936 , The home, Does a contract have to be in writing? , Enforcement of a Credit Contract
Legal Practitioners Act 1981 , Legal Profession , Australian-registered foreign lawyers, Costs, Complaints against lawyers, Complaints about overcharging, Adjudication of legal costs, Unpaid accounts, Unsatisfactory professional conduct and professional misconduct, Disciplinary Register, Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal, Handling money and trust accounts, Where should a will be kept?
Legislation Interpretation Act 2021 (SA), Standard scales for penalties and fees, How to read an Act
Libraries Act 1982 , Frequently asked questions
Life Insurance Act 1995 (Cth), Legislation and contacts
Lifetime Support Scheme Rules (SA), Catastrophic Injuries and the Lifetime Support Scheme
Limitation of Actions Act 1936 , Types of loss and time limits, Children and civil claims, Enforcing judgment - monetary judgments, Enforcing a Judgment Debt, Time limits, Taking legal action, Compensation claims for children, Child abuse - civil claims
Liquor Licensing Act 1997 , People on licensed and regulated premises, Arrest, Working, Barring Orders under the Liquor Licensing Act , Liquor Licensing Act offences , Liquor Offences under Summary Offences Act, Liquor Offences under Summary Offences Act, Other Barring Orders , Alcohol, vaping, tobacco products, and other drugs, Serious and Organised Crime , Liquor Licensing Act offences about criminal organisations, License holders and registered professionals, State Courts, Noise, Lawful authorisation exception
Local Government (Elections) Act 1999 , Public office - elections and voting, Local Government
Local Government (General) Regulations 2013 (SA), Council Meetings
Local Government Act 1999 , South Australian Ombudsman, Acts conferring jurisdiction , Complaints against councils (Local government), Public office - elections and voting, For Debtors , Paying a debt, Employment Laws and Useful Websites, Local Government Workers, Local Government, Waste Disposal, Local Government , Council Structure, Rates, Council Meetings, Planning and Development - Assessment Authorities , Potential Dangers
Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act 2016 (SA), Dumping rubbish, Individual Responsibility, Waste Disposal, Local Nuisance and Litter Control, Local nuisance, Litter control, Civil remedies, Penalties, Noise, Air Pollution, Bill posting, Unsightly conditions, Barking dogs
Local Nuisance and Litter Control Regulations 2017 (SA), Litter control
Long Service Leave Act 1987 (SA), Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), The National Employment Standards, Long Service Leave, Underpayment of Wages
Lotteries Act 2019 (SA), Lotteries, Cheating at Gambling, Gambling
Lotteries Regulations 2021 (SA), Lotteries
Lottery and Gaming Act 1936 , Lotteries, Gambling


Magistrates Court Act 1991 , Adjournments, Committal for Sentence , Nunga Court (Aboriginal Court Day), Imprisonment, Appeals , Appeals against conviction or sentence, The appeal hearing, Civil Claims, Minor Civil Actions, Going to court, Enforcing judgment - monetary judgments, Review of a minor civil action judgment, Going to court, Can an intervention order be appealed? , State Courts, Commercial and Other Mediation Services, Disputes
Magistrates Court Regulations 2021 (SA), Deciding to take legal action, Going to court, Going to court
Major Events Act 2013 (SA), Tobacco and E-cigarettes
Marine Parks Act 2007 (SA), Nature Conservation , Marine Protected Areas
Marine Parks Proclamation 2009 (SA), Marine Protected Areas
Marriage Act 1961 (Cth), Bigamy, The family law system, Marriage, Divorce, Who may apply to register a relationship?, What if our relationship is registered in another state or country?, Registered relationships, marriage and separation
Medicare Levy Act 1986 (Cth), Legislation and contacts
Mental Health Act 2009 (SA), What cannot be included, Acts conferring jurisdiction , Who is a presumptively disqualified person?, SACAT's role in Guardianship and Administration, Guardians - powers and duties, Education, Restrictive practices by registered NDIS providers , Children under 16 years, Voluntary Assisted Dying Pathway, Mental Health Act 2009 (SA), Defining Mental Illness , Care and Control Powers , How is Mental Health Treated? , Community Treatment Orders , Prescribed Treatment , Appeals, Rights of People with a Mental Illness , Laws Affecting Prisoners , Types of prisoners, Coroner's Inquests
Migration Act 1958 (Cth), Commonwealth Administrative Appeals , Exclusions, Migration, Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), Does registering our relationship remove the time requirements?, One year time requirement - migration, Migration Law, Visa cancellations, Visa cancellations under section 501 (character grounds), Migration Agents
Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth), Migration Law
Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (Cth), Veterans , Service Pension, Review by the Veterans' Review Board
Mines and Works Inspection Act 1920 , Working
Mining Act 1971 , State Responsibility, Wilderness, Environmental Impact Assessment , Mining, State Courts
Mining Regulations 2020 (SA), Mining
Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth), Modern Slavery Reporting Requirements
Motor Vehicle Accidents (Lifetime Support Scheme) Act 2013 (SA), Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance Scheme
Motor Vehicles Act 1959 (SA), Legal obligations after a motor vehicle accident , Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance Scheme, Recovery against driver at fault, Drivers and owners of motor vehicles, Acts conferring jurisdiction , Traffic Offences , Driver's Licences , Graduated Licence Scheme, Time held, Conditions and rules, After disqualification , Time held , Conditions and rules, Breach of P1 Conditions , Safer Driver Agreement, Appeals - Breach of Conditions, Time held, Conditions and rules, Safer Driver Agreement, Appeals - Breach of Conditions , After disqualification , Eligibility for full / unrestricted licence , Probationary licence, Time Held, Conditions, Breaches of Probationary Licence Conditions , Appeals - Breach of Conditions, Appealing disqualification for breach of conditions, Safer Driver Agreements, Ultra high powered vehicle licences, Motor bike licences, Demerit Points, Disqualification or Good Behaviour Option, Alcohol and drug penalties, Driving under the influence where child aged under 16 present in vehicle , Drug and alcohol dependency assessment, Drug driving , Mandatory alcohol interlock scheme, Prescribed concentration of alcohol where child aged under 16 present in vehicle , Refusing a breath test, Driving Offences, Answering police questions, Cycling, Driving while disqualified, Driving without a licence, Seatbelts and child restraints, Unregistered and uninsured vehicles, Truck drivers, Expiation , Clamping, impounding, seizure and forfeiture of vehicles, Fine Enforcement , Persistently driving unlicensed, Procedure, Paying expiation fees, Persistent Driving While Unlicensed , Lawful authorisation exception, Exempt records - documents and agencies
Motor Vehicles Regulations 2010 (SA), Written-off vehicles, Ultra high powered vehicle licences, Motor bike learner's permit, Motor bike graduated licence scheme, Summary of Demerit Points, Driving Offences, Careless driving (driving without due care), Misuse of a motor vehicle, Truck drivers


Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 , Drug Offences
National Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2022 (Cth), National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC)
National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Cth), Complaints against banking, financial services, insurance companies and super funds, Laws that protect consumers when borrowing money, About the National Consumer Credit Protection Act and the NCC, Reverse Mortgages, Repayment History Information , Banks and Banking, Debt Management Firms
National Consumer Credit Protection Regulations 2010 (Cth), Preliminary requirements for NCC regulation
National Credit Code (Cth), Unfair Contract Terms, Unsolicited consumer agreements, Laws that protect consumers when borrowing money, About the National Consumer Credit Protection Act and the NCC, What credit contracts are regulated by the NCC?, Short Term and Small Amount Credit Contracts, Reverse Mortgages, Banks and Banking, For Debtors , Debt Management Firms
National Disability Insurance Scheme (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) (NDIS Supports) Transitional Rules 2024 (Cth), National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), What are NDIS supports?
National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018 (Cth), Restrictive practices by registered NDIS providers , Behaviour support plans
National Disability Insurance Scheme (Supports for Participants - Accounting for Compensation) Rules 2013 (Cth), Compensation payments and the NDIS
National Disability Insurance Scheme (Supports for Participants) Rules 2013 (Cth), Old framework plans
National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth), National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Commission , National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Who can access the NDIS? , Applying for the NDIS, What are NDIS supports?, What is an NDIS Plan? , Old framework plans, New framework plans, Can an NDIS Plan be changed? , Restrictive practices by registered NDIS providers , Review of NDIA decisions , Compensation payments and the NDIS, Complaints , NDIS Worker Clearances
National Disability Insurance Scheme Rules (Cth), National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Applying for the NDIS, Old framework plans, New framework plans, Can an NDIS Plan be changed?
National Emergency Declaration Act 2020 (Cth), Emergency declarations
National Health Act 1953 (Cth), Legislation and contacts
National Parks and Wildlife (National Parks) Regulations 2016 (SA), Permits to fly drones in National Parks
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 , Acts conferring jurisdiction , State Responsibility, Nature Conservation , Wilderness, National Parks and other Reserves, Sanctuaries, Prohibited Areas, Plants, Animals, Mining, Seizure and destruction of cats
National Trust of South Australia Act 1955 (SA), State Heritage , National Trust
Native Title (South Australia) Act 1994 , Notice of intention to acquire land
Native Title Act 1993 , Mining, The Australian Constitutional System, Commercial and Other Mediation Services
Native Vegetation Act 1991 (SA), State Responsibility, Nature Conservation , Plants, Native Vegetation Act 1991 (SA), Heritage Agreements, Significant and Regulated Trees
Natural Resources Management Act 2004 (SA), Natural Resource Management


Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 (Cth), Centrelink, Parental Leave Pay
Partnership Act 1891 (SA), Business owned by a partnership, Dissolution of business
Passenger Transport Regulations 2024 (SA), Public transport passenger offences
Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Act 1989 (SA), Farming
Planning, Development and Infrastructure (General) Regulations 2017 (SA), Working from home, Building Work Contracts, Planning and Development - Assessment Authorities , The Relevant Authority, Categories of Development, Deemed Planning Consent Notice, Consulting with other agencies, Major Development (and Environment Impact Statement) , Development by State Agencies , Building Work , Certificate of occupancy, Building work affecting other land, Merits appeals, Common questions about fences, Swimming pool fences and safety, Retaining Walls , Significant and Regulated Trees
Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 (SA), Fortifications, State Responsibility, Pollution and Waste , Pollution and Waste Licences, State Heritage Register, State Heritage and Development Control, Environmental Impact Assessment , Unit holders, Owners' rights and responsibilities, After signing the contract, Form 1, Building Work Contracts, Other Considerations related to Building Work, Local Government , Planning and Development , Planning and Development - Assessment Authorities , Planning Policies, Public Participation in Amendments to Development Policy, Community Engagement Charter, Development Control , The Relevant Authority, Development applications, Categories of Development, Deemed Planning Consent Notice, Environmental Food Production Areas (EFPAs), Consulting with other agencies, Public consultation, Appeal rights following public notification, Major Development (and Environment Impact Statement) , Development by State Agencies , Building Work , Authorised Officers, Certificate of occupancy, Building work affecting other land, Defective building work, Dangerous buildings, Urgent building work, Merits appeals, Civil enforcement, Building rules disputes, Offences, Appeals to the Supreme Court , Common questions about fences, Swimming pool fences and safety, Retaining Walls , Significant and Regulated Trees , Public engagement and notification of development
Plumbers, Gas Fitters and Electricians Act 1995 , Disadvantages of Bankruptcy, Acts conferring jurisdiction
Police Act 1998 (SA), Police security officers, security guards and others, Liability for further detention and supervision, State Public Sector Workers
Police Complaints and Discipline Act 2016 (SA), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons, Complaints against police, Investigating a complaint, Complaints resolved by management resolution , Police Disciplinary Tribunal, Complaints not investigated, State Public Sector Workers
Powers of Attorney and Agency Act 1984 , Powers of Attorney , Signing a power of attorney, Commencement, Duties of a Donee , Ending a Power of Attorney , What cannot be included, Administrators - powers and duties, Voting, Voting at General Meetings
Prices Act 1948 , The Role of Government Agencies
Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), Consumer Data - Breaches and Rights, Enforcement of a Credit Contract, Credit Ratings, Repayment History Information , Finding out who to sue, Patients' Rights , Obtaining Medical Records , Privacy, Privacy (South Australian Government) , Privacy (Commonwealth Government), Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), Tax File Numbers, Consumer Credit Reporting, Data Matching, Access to Non-government Information , Who is covered?, Government Contractors, Consumer Credit Information
Private Health Insurance Act 2007 (Cth), Legislation and contacts
Private Parking Areas Act 1986 (SA), Parking Offences
Problem Gambling Family Protection Orders Act 2004 (SA), Problem gambling orders
Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 (Cth), Movable Cultural Heritage
Psychotropic Substances Act 1976 , Drug Offences
Public Assemblies Act 1972 (SA), Obstruction of public places
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (Cth), Waiver, Claiming compensation from Centrelink
Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (Cth), Public interest disclosures
Public Interest Disclosure Act 2018 (SA), South Australian Ombudsman, Public Interest Disclosure Act , Discrimination Law , Public interest disclosures, The employee's duty of co-operation, care, and fidelity
Public Intoxication Act 1984 , Arrest, Being drunk in a public place, Alcohol, vaping, tobacco products, and other drugs
Public Sector (Honesty and Accountability) Act 1995 (SA), State Public Sector Workers
Public Sector Act 2009 (SA), Employment Laws and Useful Websites, State Public Sector Workers, Privacy
Public Sector Regulations 2010 (SA), State Public Sector Workers
Public Trustee Act 1995 (SA), Bankrupt estates


Racial Discrimination Act 1975 , Discrimination Law , Racial discrimination, Racial hatred, Making a complaint, Victimisation, Equal Opportunity
Racial Vilification Act 1996 , Discrimination Law , Racial discrimination, Racial hatred
Real Property Act 1886 (SA), Land, Ending a Power of Attorney , Cancellation of a strata plan, Titles, Caveats, Priority Notices, Common questions about fences
Regulatory Powers (Standard Provisions) Act 2014 (Cth), Office of the eSafety Commissioner
Relationships Register Act 2016 (SA), De facto relationships, Registered relationships, Who may apply to register a relationship?, When does registration take effect?, What if our relationship is registered in another state or country?, Does registering our relationship remove the time requirements?, Does registering our relationship automatically revoke a previous will?, Can a registration be challenged?, How can I end my registered relationship?, Two year time requirement - property disputes, Three year time requirement - State law matters, Registered relationships, marriage and separation, Inadequate provision, Spouse or domestic partner only
Relationships Register Regulations 2017 (SA), Who may apply to register a relationship?, What if our relationship is registered in another state or country?
Residential Parks Act 2007 (SA), Acts conferring jurisdiction , Residential Tenancies, Residential Parks , Principal place of residence, Types of residential park agreements, Periodic or fixed term agreements? , Making a residential park agreement, What information needs to be provided to the resident? , Park Owners Rights and Responsibilities, Maintenance and repairs, What can be in the Park Rules?, Right of entry of park owners, Residents' Rights and Responsibilities, Bond and rent, Rent increases, Bond Refunds, Other charges, Sub-letting and assignment, Ending an agreement, Notice required for ending the agreement, Terminating an Agreement, Termination for Breach of agreement, Termination for serious misconduct by resident, Termination for Serious Acts of Violence, Other grounds for termination, Termination by application to the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT), Rented Property, Personal Property, Disputes
Residential Parks Regulations 2022 (SA), Making a residential park agreement, What can be in the Park Rules?, Other charges
Residential Tenancies Act 1995 (SA), Acts conferring jurisdiction , SACAT Fees, The Role of Government Agencies, Minor Civil Actions, Residential Tenancies, Residential tenancy agreements, Terms of the agreement, Fixed term or periodic tenancies, Shared tenancies, Subletting or assignment of tenancy, Boarders and lodgers, Becoming a tenant, Offering premises for rent, prospective sale and prospective tenant information, Residential tenancy databases, Discrimination, Bonds, The landlord's right of entry, The landlord's obligations, The tenant's obligations, Repairs, Rent, Pets, Landlord terminating a tenancy, Tenant terminating a tenancy, Unacceptable conduct by a tenant, Where there is a breach by the tenant, Where there is a breach by the landlord, Finalising a tenancy, Resolving tenancy disputes , Enforcing SACAT tenancy orders , Intervention orders and tenancy agreements, Rooming Houses, Designated rooming houses, House rules, Obligations of proprietors, Obligations of tenants, Rent increases, Termination of agreement, Which legislation applies, Conditions and types of tenancy, Intervention orders and terminating a Housing SA tenancy, Community Housing, Community housing providers, Intervention orders and terminating a tenancy, Resolving disputes
Residential Tenancies Regulations 2010 (SA), Residential Tenancies, Offering premises for rent, prospective sale and prospective tenant information, Inspection sheets, Bonds, The landlord's right of entry, Landlord terminating a tenancy, Tenant terminating a tenancy, Finalising a tenancy, Obligations of proprietors, Termination of agreement, Community Housing
Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995 (SA), The contract, Resolving disputes between businesses, Leasing premises, Minor Civil Actions, Starting minor civil claims proceedings
Retirement Villages Act 1987 , Acts conferring jurisdiction , Termination
Retirement Villages Act 2016 (SA), Residential Tenancies, Retirement Housing , Before Signing a Residence Contract , Residence Contracts, Disclosure Statement, Code of Conduct , Residence Rules , Condition of the Premises, Living in a Retirement Village , Termination, Exit Entitlement, Resolving Disputes
Retirement Villages Regulations 2017 (SA), Before Signing a Residence Contract , Residence Contracts, Code of Conduct , Residence Rules , Living in a Retirement Village , Resolving Disputes
Return to Work Act 2014 (SA), Finalising an injury claim, Accidents at work, Workers Compensation, Who can make a claim?, How to make a claim, Compensability, Meaning of employment, Psychological injuries, Average weekly earnings, Duration of payments, Reduction or discontinuance of income maintenance, Breach of mutuality, Medical expenses, Lump sum compensation for permanent impairment, Duty of pre-injury employer to provide suitable duties, Recovery, Return to Work (Rehabilitation), Redemption payments, Disputes in the South Australian Employment Tribunal (SAET), Legal costs, Transitional rules (for injuries suffered prior to 1 July 2015), At Common Law, South Australian Ombudsman, Three year time requirement - State law matters, How much can be claimed?, Who cannot claim compensation?
Return to Work Regulations 2015 (SA), What can be claimed?, Investigation and determination of the claim, Medical expenses, Legal costs
River Murray Act 2003 (SA), Water
Road Traffic (Light Vehicle Standards) Rules 2018 (SA), Defect Notices , Air Pollution
Road Traffic (Miscellaneous) Regulations 2014 (SA), Summary of Demerit Points, Alcohol and drug penalties, Compulsory blood tests, Defect Notices , Driving Offences, Driving ultra high powered vehicle with automated intervention system disabled, Electric scooters and other electric personal transporters , Speeding, Truck drivers
Road Traffic (Road Rules - Ancillary and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2014 (SA), Motor bike learner's permit, Cycling, Electric scooters and other electric personal transporters , Mobile phones, Offences and Duties after Accidents, Seatbelts and child restraints, Speeding, Pedestrian Offences
Road Traffic Act 1961 , Legal obligations after a motor vehicle accident , Recovery against driver at fault, Drivers and owners of motor vehicles, Causing death or harm by dangerous driving, Dangerous driving to escape police pursuit, Traffic Offences , Conditions and rules, Conditions and rules, Conditions and rules, Motor bike learner's permit, Summary of Demerit Points, Alcohol, Drugs and Driving , Alcohol and drug penalties, Blood tests, Compulsory blood tests, Consuming alcohol after driving, Driving under the influence, Driving under the influence where child aged under 16 present in vehicle , Drug and alcohol dependency assessment, Drug driving , Instant or immediate loss of licence, Other effects of alcohol or drug driving, Prescribed concentration of alcohol, Prescribed concentration of alcohol where child aged under 16 present in vehicle , Refusing a breath test, Alcohol, drugs and riding a bicycle, Defect Notices , Driving Offences, Answering police questions, Careless driving (driving without due care), Causing death or harm by dangerous driving, Causing death or serious harm by careless use of vehicle, Cycling, Dangerous and reckless driving, Dangerous driving to escape police, Driving ultra high powered vehicle with automated intervention system disabled, Driving without a licence, Electric scooters and other electric personal transporters , Excessive speed, Misuse of a motor vehicle, Offences and Duties after Accidents, Reckless driving causing injury or death, Speeding, Street Racing, Using a vehicle to commit a crime, Truck drivers, Parking Offences , Pedestrian Offences , Disqualification, Clamping, impounding, seizure and forfeiture of vehicles, Licence disqualification, Grounds for withdrawal of expiation notices, Applying for review of expiation notices, Acts and Delegated Legislation
Royal Commissions Act 1902 (Cth), Royal Commissions
Royal Commissions Act 1917 (SA), South Australian Ombudsman, Royal Commissions


Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (Cth), Accidents at work, Commonwealth Government Employees, Who can claim?, Injury, Comcare compensation scheme, Commonwealth Administrative Appeals , Veterans
Sale of Goods Act 1895 , Retention of Title Arrangements, What can be included in a contract? , Action against the supplier
Second-hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 1996 , Disadvantages of Bankruptcy, Second-hand dealers and pawnbrokers, Minor Civil Actions, License holders and registered professionals
Second-hand Vehicle Dealers Act 1995 , Does a contract have to be in writing? , The Role of Government Agencies, Second hand motor vehicles, Minor Civil Actions, Starting minor civil claims proceedings
Second-hand Vehicle Dealers Regulations 2010 (SA), Second hand motor vehicles
Security and Investigation Industry Act 1995 (SA), License holders and registered professionals, Lawful authorisation exception
Security and Investigation Industry Regulations 2011 (SA), License holders and registered professionals
Sentencing Act 2017 (SA), Presumption of bail, Sentencing by the Youth Court, Magistrates Court Diversion Program, Breaching an intervention order, Murder, Offences relating to human remains, Arson and property damage, Serious firearm offences, Driving while disqualified, Indeterminate detention, What can happen?, Pleading guilty, Sentencing Reductions , The Sentencing Process , Sentencing Purposes, Principles and Factors , Matters affecting sentence , Reduction of sentence for early guilty plea , Cooperation with law enforcement agency for serious and organised criminal activity, Serious firearms offenders , Serious repeat offenders , Sexual predators , Sentencing Procedure , Mitigating circumstances, Nunga Court (Aboriginal Court Day), Imprisonment, Home detention orders, Conditions of home detention orders , Intensive correction order , Community service orders, Good behaviour bonds, Suspended sentences, No conviction imposed, Fines, Compensation and restitution of property , Intervention orders, Duty to disclose charges proved , Who can apply to change or cancel an order?, Laws Affecting Prisoners , Imprisonment, Types of prisoners, Parole, Licence, Victim Impact Statements
Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008 (SA), Firearms prohibition orders, Aggravated offences, Serious and Organised Crime , Organised crime, declared organisations and criminal associations , Criminal organisations in public places, prescribed places and prescribed events
Serious and Organised Crime (Unexplained Wealth) Act 2009 , Serious and Organised Crime , Unexplained wealth orders
Service and Execution of Process Act 1992 (Cth), Interstate court fines
Sex Discrimination Act 1984 , Discrimination Law , Marital or domestic partnership status, Pregnancy, Family caring responsibilities, Breastfeeding or association with a child, Sexuality and gender, Sex discrimination and sexual harassment, Sexual harassment, Making a complaint, Victimisation, Discrimination in the workplace, Equal Opportunity, Marriage
Single-use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Act 2020 (SA), Waste Avoidance
Small Business Commissioner Act 2011 (SA), Resolving disputes between businesses
Small Business Commissioner Regulations 2012 (SA), Resolving disputes between businesses
Social Security (Administration) (Class of Persons- Intent to Claim) Determination 2018 (Cth), When do payments commence?
Social Security (Administration) (Non-Compliance) Determination 2018 (No. 1) (Cth), Demerit system
Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 (Cth), Centrelink, Applying for and receiving Centrelink payments , When do payments commence? , Types of Centrelink payments , Disability Support Pension , JobSeeker Payment , Non-payment periods , Mutual obligation requirements , Demerit system , Clients' Responsibilities, External Review, Review by the Administrative Review Tribunal, Continuation of payment pending an outcome
Social Security Act 1991 (Cth), No time requirement , Centrelink, Special provisions for people experiencing family violence , Are there waiting periods? , Can payments be received while overseas? , Are Centrelink payments affected by compensation payouts? , Disability Support Pension , JobSeeker Payment , Non-payment periods , Age Pension , Debts and Overpayments, Debt recovery, Suspended debts, Waiver
South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013 (SA), South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT), Review of administrative decisions, South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT), Acts conferring jurisdiction , SACAT Fees, SACAT Jurisdiction , SACAT General Practice and Procedures, SACAT Appeals and Review , Minor Civil Actions, Reviews and Appeals, Resolving tenancy disputes , Housing improvement orders, Notice of intention to acquire land, Community Treatment Orders , Inpatient Treatment Orders , Appeals
South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Regulations 2015 (SA), Acts conferring jurisdiction , SACAT General Practice and Procedures
South Australian Employment Tribunal Act 2014 (SA), Disputes in the South Australian Employment Tribunal (SAET)
South Australian Housing Trust Act 1995 , Acts conferring jurisdiction , Public Housing, Which legislation applies, Moving to another property, Appeals
South Australian Housing Trust Regulations 2010 (SA), Ending a tenancy, Appeals
South Australian Public Health (COVID-19 Directions) Notice 2022 (SA), COVID-19 cases and close contacts
South Australian Public Health (COVID-19) Amendment Act 2022 (SA), COVID-19 arrangements and directions
South Australian Public Health (Notifiable and Controlled Notifiable Conditions) Regulations 2012 (SA), Controlled notifiable conditions , Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
South Australian Public Health Act 2011 , What cannot be included, Early childhood services and immunisation requirements, Education, Emergency declarations , Children under 16 years, Confidentiality , Controlled Notifiable Conditions and COVID-19, Controlled notifiable conditions , COVID-19 arrangements and directions, Compliance with directions , Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
South Australian Skills Act 2008 (SA), Complaints about vocational education or training
Spent Convictions Act 2009 (SA), State offences, Criminal records, Spent convictions , What is a spent conviction?, What types of convictions can be spent?, What type of convictions cannot be spent?, What is the qualification period before a conviction can become spent?, What is the effect of committing a further offence after a conviction has become spent?, Does the Spent Convictions Act apply to convictions from other jurisdictions?
Spent Convictions Regulations 2011 (SA), Spent convictions , What types of convictions can be spent?, Exclusions
Stamp Duties Act 1923 , No time requirement , Two year time requirement - property disputes, Stamp duty
State Lotteries Act 1966 , Gambling
Statutes Amendment (Child Sex Offences) Act 2022 (SA), Registration of child sex offenders
Statutes Amendment (Screening) Act 2019 (SA), Working with people with disability checks (NDIS)
Strata Titles Act 1988 , Minor Civil Actions, Strata Titles, The strata corporation, Common property, Powers of the strata corporation, Insurance, Officers of the strata corporation, Records, Access to information , Articles (Rules), Management committee, General meetings, Voting, Types of resolutions, Strata managers, Appointing a strata manager, Duties of strata managers, Ending a strata manager's contract, Unit holders, Disputes, Buying a strata unit, Common questions, Types of schemes , By-laws (Rules), Converting from other schemes , Common questions and answers, Neighbours and the Law
Strata Titles Regulations 2018 (SA), Strata Titles, Powers of the strata corporation, Insurance, Officers of the strata corporation, Records, Access to information , Articles (Rules), General meetings, Voting, Appointing a strata manager, Duties of strata managers, Buying a strata unit
Student Assistance Act 1973 (Cth), Centrelink
Succession Act 2023 (SA), Does registering our relationship remove the time requirements?, Does registering our relationship automatically revoke a previous will?, Three year time requirement - State law matters, Wills, Who can make a will?, Valid wills, Signing and witnessing a will , Both spouses or domestic partners dying together, Changing a will , Registered relationships, marriage and separation, Updating a will, Cancelling a will, Restarting a will, Contesting a will , Deed of family arrangement, Invalid wills, Inadequate provision, Fees and costs, Getting a copy of a will , Estates, Partial intestacy and lapsed gifts, Distribution of an intestate estate, Spouse or domestic partner only, Spouse and domestic partner, Spouse or domestic partner and children, Children only, The deceased's home, No spouse, domestic partner or children, The forfeiture rule, Disclosure of assets to the court, Probate caveats , Problems with executors, Payment of executors, Bankrupt estates , Release of Assets , Banks and building societies, Hardship, Domestic partners, Step-children, Half-siblings
Suicide Prevention Act 2021 (SA), Suicide Prevention
Suicide Prevention Regulations 2022 (SA), Suicide Prevention
Summary Offences Act 1953 (SA), Questioning, search and arrest, Being questioned, Giving name and address, Drivers and owners of motor vehicles, People on licensed and regulated premises, Search and seizure, Arrest, Police arrest procedure, Police security officers, security guards and others, Children and young people, Police powers after arrest, Police questioning and interviewing, Interviewing suspects with complex communication needs, Powers to search and examine, Bail, Applying for bail, Presumption of bail, Enforcement of bail agreement, Police powers, Being arrested, What is a Crime?, General Principles in Criminal Law , Common Offences , Humiliating or degrading filming, Stalking, cyber stalking and cyber bullying, Arson and property damage, Acting as a spiritualist medium etc with intent to defraud, Passing valueless cheques, Computer offences, Unlawful possession of personal property, Dog theft, Hindering and resisting police, Bribing a police officer, False reports to the police, Declared public precinct offences, Police powers within public precincts, Disorderly behaviour, Violent disorder, Riot, Indecency offences , Indecent filming, Loitering, Additional loitering offence for prescribed class, Liquor Licensing Act offences , Liquor Offences under Summary Offences Act, Liquor Offences under Summary Offences Act, Obstruction of public places, Throwing missiles, Playing games as to cause damage, Prostitution, Trespass, Gatecrashing - trespass at private parties, Interference with Gates, Disturbance of farm animals, Unlawfully on premises, Urinating or defecating in a public place, Weapons, Police powers to search for weapons, Weapons prohibition orders, Tattooing, body modification and body piercing, Weapons, Answering police questions, Emitting excessive noise from a vehicle, Public transport passenger offences, Clamping, impounding, seizure and forfeiture of vehicles, Produce, show or sell indecent or offensive material, Distribution of invasive images (image-based abuse), Indeterminate detention, Possession or Sale of Equipment , Police Powers , Additional Offences , Serious and Organised Crime , Consorting, Fortifications, Interviewing vulnerable witnesses , Contempt of Court and Disrespectful Conduct in Court, Bringing the defendant to court, Forfeiture orders, Confessions, Evidence through audio visual record, What types of convictions can be spent?, What is abuse?, Confidentiality , Local Nuisance and Litter Control, Trespassers , Laws Affecting Prisoners
Summary Offences Regulations 2016 (SA), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons, Interviewing suspects with complex communication needs, Liquor Offences under Summary Offences Act, Liquor Offences under Summary Offences Act, Weapons, Weapons prohibition orders, Tattooing, body modification and body piercing, Weapons, Interviewing vulnerable witnesses , Confidentiality
Superannuation (Unclaimed Money and Lost Members) Act 1999 (Cth), Lost and inactive members
Superannuation (Unclaimed Money and Lost Members) Regulations 1999 (Cth), Lost and inactive members
Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth), The employer's duties and rights, Casual employees, Superannuation , Enforcement of superannuation guarantee contribution payment
Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth), Preservation of benefits, Death benefit distribution
Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (Cth), Preservation of benefits, Grounds for early access to superannuation benefits
Supreme Court Act 1935 , Application for judicial review - State, Complaints against Judges and other judicial officers , State Courts
Supreme Court Civil Rules 2006 , District Court and Supreme Court
Supreme Court Practice Directions 2006 (SA), Commercial and Other Mediation Services
Surrogacy Act 2019 (SA), Parenting presumptions and birth registration, Surrogacy
Surrogacy Regulations 2020 (SA), Surrogacy
Surveillance Devices Act 2004 (Cth), Search and seizure
Surveillance Devices Act 2016 (SA), Search and seizure, Laws relating to Journalists , Recording private conversations or activities - Surveillance Devices , Private conversation and private activity, Photography and film in public places, Lawful authorisation exception, Lawful interest and public interest exceptions, Publication of information derived unlawfully from surveillance device , Surveillance in the workplace
Surveillance Devices Regulations 2017 (SA), Lawful authorisation exception
Survey Act 1992 , Boundary Location , Encroaching Buildings
Survival of Causes of Action Act 1940 , Legal Actions
Swimming Pools (Safety) Act 1972 , Swimming pool fences and safety


Tattooing Industry Control Act 2015 (SA), Tattoo Industry Control
Tattooing Industry Control Regulations 2016 (SA), Tattoo Industry Control
Telecommunications (Consumer Complaints Handling) Industry Standard 2018 (Cth), Complaints against telecommunications providers
Telecommunications (Consumer Complaints) Record-Keeping Rules 2018 (Cth), Complaints against telecommunications providers
Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 (Cth), Lawful authorisation exception
Telecommunications Act 1997 , Complaints against telecommunications providers, Distribution of invasive images (image-based abuse)
Termination of Pregnancy Act 2021 (SA), Abortions, Photography and film in public places
Termination of Pregnancy Regulations 2022 , Abortions
Therapeutic Goods (Medical Devices) Regulations 2002 (Cth), Regulation of health products
Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (Cth), Regulation of health products
Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code (No.2) 2018 (Cth), Regulation of health products
Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990 (Cth), Regulation of health products
Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products Act 1997 (SA), Acts conferring jurisdiction , Alcohol, vaping, tobacco products, and other drugs, Drug Offences, Tobacco and E-cigarettes
Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products Regulations 2019 (SA), Alcohol, vaping, tobacco products, and other drugs, Tobacco and E-cigarettes
Transplantation and Anatomy Act 1963 (SA), Children under 16 years
Transplantation and Anatomy Act 1983 , Disposal of the body, Organ Donation , Donation of a body, Next of Kin
Trustee Act 1936 , Unincorporated associations, Duties of trustees


Unclaimed Goods Act 1987 , Finalising a tenancy, Abandoned goods
Unclaimed Money Act 2021 (SA), Life in prison
Uniform Civil Rules 2020 (SA), Accidents on private and public property, Negligence, Care and Protection Orders, Appeals against Youth Treatment Orders, Administrative and Disciplinary Division of the District Court, Application for judicial review - State, Appealing disqualification for breach of conditions, Civil Claims, Children and civil claims, Mediation, Deciding to take legal action, Starting minor civil claims proceedings, What does it cost to start a minor claim?, Serving the claim on the respondent, Possible responses from the respondent, Setting aside default judgment, Going to court, Enforcing judgment - monetary judgments, Investigation Notice, Investigation Hearing, Examination Hearing, Warrant of sale, Charging order, Garnishee order, Review of a minor civil action judgment, District Court and Supreme Court, Being taken to court, Judgment and enforcement action, Investigation Summons, Giving notice of intention to sue, Starting proceedings in the Magistrates Court, Going to court, Enforcing a Judgment Debt, Other options for Enforcement of a Judgment Debt, What is Defamation?, Where cases are heard , Commencing court action, Three year time requirement - State law matters, Can an intervention order be appealed? , Resolving tenancy disputes , Enforcing SACAT tenancy orders , State Courts, Tribunals, Commercial and Other Mediation Services, Disputes, Making the claim, Recovery actions, Valid wills, Signing and witnessing a will , Attestation clause, How long does it take?, Probate caveats , Lawyers
Uniform Special Statutory Rules 2022 (SA), Protection of children and young people, Children and young people at risk, Care and Protection Orders, Intervention Orders and Child Protection Restraining Orders and Notices, Assessment, treatment and detention orders for drug dependency, Young offenders, Paedophile restraint orders, Adult Safeguarding Unit, Instant or immediate loss of licence, Truck drivers, Clamping, impounding, seizure and forfeiture of vehicles, Indeterminate detention, Powers of Police and Customs officers, Organised crime, declared organisations and criminal associations , Fortifications, Mental Impairment, Sexual predators , Treatment programs , Spent convictions , What is the qualification period before a conviction can become spent?, Exclusions, Liability for further detention and supervision, Laws relating to Journalists , What is an intervention order?, What is abuse?, Tenancy orders, Problem gambling orders, Getting an intervention order from the police, What if the respondent disputes the order?, Court procedure, Recorded Evidence, Giving evidence in Court, Who can apply to change or cancel an order?, Can an intervention order be appealed? , Recognition of intervention orders nationally, Surrogacy, Adoption, Who can be adopted?, Controlled notifiable conditions , Control and destruction orders, Parole, Licence, Lawful interest and public interest exceptions
US Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act 2004 (Cth), The Copyright Act


Water Act 2007 (Cth), Water
Water Industry Act 2012 (SA), Complaints against energy and water suppliers, Water
Water Industry Regulations 2012 (SA), Swimming pool fences and safety
Whistleblowers Protection Act 1993 , South Australian Ombudsman, Public Interest Disclosure Act , Public interest disclosures, The employee's duty of co-operation, care, and fidelity
Wilderness Protection Act 1992 , Nature Conservation , Wilderness, Mining, Seizure and destruction of cats
Wilderness Protection Regulations 2021 (SA), Flying drones over a wilderness protection area or zone
Wills Act 1936 , Wills
Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA), Breach of statutory duty, Safety legislation, State Courts, Lawful authorisation exception
Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA), Safety legislation
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986 , Transitional rules (for injuries suffered prior to 1 July 2015)