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Legislation and contacts


Victims of Crime Act 2001 (SA) and regulations

Support services:

Relationships Australia (SA) - Victims of Crime Counselling & Support Service

Non-government organisation providing a comprehensive range of services for victims of crime and their families including information, professional counselling, advocacy, court support, and support groups. Interpreters are provided free of charge for speakers of community languages receiving direct support from the organisation.

Offices are located in Adelaide CBD, Hindmarsh, Port Adelaide, Marion, Salisbury, Elizabeth and Berri. Outreach services are available to the whole state of South Australia via telephone, video or face to face as required.

VSS - Victim Support Service

Victim Support Service (VSS) provides support for adults survivors of institutional childhood abuse through the National Redress Scheme Program and the Court Support Program for victims of crime in South Australia, in partnership with the Office of the Commissioner for Victims’ Rights, and Victims of Crime (SA). VSS services are free and confidential.

Commissioner for Victims' Rights

A wide range of information for victims of crime can be located on the website of the Commissioner for Victims' Rights (SA). Information can be accessed regarding the criminal legal process, victim impact statements, the Victim Register, compensation, and available support services. A comprehensive list of publications is also available.

Witness Assistance Team (Director of Public Prosecutions)

Offers services for victims of crime and vulnerable witnesses including:

  • information about the legal process, updates on the progress of a case and support services;
  • liaison with solicitors and prosecutors;
  • court preparation and familiarisation tours;
  • attendance and support during meetings with solicitors and prosecutors;
  • assistance with Victim Impact Statements;
  • crisis counselling and debriefing in relation to the legal process;
  • interagency liaison

All children and young people under the age of 18 who are victims and witnesses of crime must be referred to the Witness Assistance Team. The service is restricted to those cases where a prosecution is being conducted by the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Police Victim Contact Officers

Victim contact officers can provide victims of crime with advice and information about support and counselling services available, and can liaise with prosecution authorities and other sections of the police force.

A police victim contact officer can be contacted via the victim's local police service area, the details of which can be found in the white pages or via the SAPOL website.

Coroner's Court Support Services

The Coroner's Court Social Workers provide counselling and support for family members or friends including initial grief counselling during the time immediately following the death of a person and at key points following the death (e.g. when a finding is made by the Coroner). The Support Service can also provide specific information about the coronial process, can assist in preparing for inquests, and can make referrals to other longer term counselling and other services.

Department for Correctional Services Victim Services Unit

This Unit assists registered victims by providing information about offenders' progress while in custody, including anticipated dates of release for bail, home detention or parole; details of any transfer between correctional facilities; and any escapes from custody.

Yarrow Place Rape and Sexual Assault Service

Yarrow Place is the leading South Australian public health agency responding to adult rape and sexual assault. It provides direct services to victims of rape and sexual assault aged 16 years or over at the time of the assault, including:

  • 24 hours crisis response service for recent rape and sexual assault (this can include medical services, crisis counselling and advocacy);
  • medical care for victims of rape and sexual assault;
  • forensic medical examinations for people who want to take legal action;
  • counselling for people who have been sexually assaulted, either recently or in the past (provided they were aged 16 years or older at the time of the assault);
  • court preparation and support;
  • information, support, and short-term counselling for families and friends of people who have been sexually assaulted.

Yarrow Place provides counselling and support for Aboriginal youth and adults who have experienced sexual assault.

    Legislation and contacts  :  Last Revised: Mon Aug 13th 2018
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