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SACAT Jurisdiction

SACAT Jurisdiction [South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013 (SA) ss 31- 38]:

SACAT has original and review jurisdiction:

  • Original Jurisdiction - where an Act confers it, it is the original decision maker, and where that is the case there is an internal right of review process [s 33].
  • Review Jurisdiction – power to affirm, vary or set aside the decision and substitute a or send the matter back to the decision maker for reconsideration (at any stage the Tribunal can invite the decision maker to reconsider their decision) [s 34].

Rehearing – must give appropriate weight to decision of original decision maker, however must reach the correct, or preferable, decision [s 34(4)].

Refer to the relevant Act as to any limitations or extensions on this power of review [ss 34(6)-(7)].

SACAT Jurisdiction  :  Last Revised: Fri Jul 13th 2018
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