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At the scene of the accident

  1. Exchange your name, address and vehicle registration number with the other driver involved in the accident and any witnesses
  2. If you are not the owner of the vehicle you were driving, you should also give the owner's name and address to the other driver.
  3. DON'T admit liability even if you think you are at fault - this may affect any subsequent claim you might make
  4. DON'T argue about the issue of fault - this is a matter to be determined later and should never be discussed in the heat of the moment
  5. If there are any witnesses ask them for their name, address and phone number.
  6. If possible, do a small diagram of the accident scene and make note of key measurements such as length of skid marks, distance of vehicle from the kerb, etc.

You should notify your insurance company as soon as possible after the accident, even if you have not decided to make a claim.

At the scene of the accident  :  Last Revised: Thu Mar 12th 2020
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