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Business Information

Small businesses make up the vast majority of economic activity in Australia. This chapter outlines the main legal issues confronted when commencing, operating and dissolving a small business. The Law Handbook also contains other information relevant to business, such as employment, tax and dealing with customers.

Reading this chapter will only give you a guide and is not a substitute for obtaining professional advice suited to individual situations. Advice can be obtained from a private lawyer or an accountant regarding most aspects of running a small business.

The Department for Innovation, Industry and Science has a number of resources and workbooks which may help those going into business. The Office for Small and Family Business within the Department can be contacted on 08 8429 3801.

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman can assist small business owners by providing access to dispute resolution services, as an alternative to going to court, and can provide resources and advocacy.

The National Debt Helpline operates a Small Business Bushfire Financial Counselling Support Line with financial counsellors that have specific knowledge about small business practice and crisis relief measures (including Covid-19). A small business is any business with less than 100 employees [links opens in a new window].

    Business Information  :  Last Revised: Thu May 20th 2021
    The content of the Law Handbook is made available as a public service for information purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for legal advice. See Disclaimer for details. For free and confidential legal advice in South Australia call 1300 366 424.