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Can children apply?

Children can also apply for parenting orders (not including child maintenance orders) from the Federal Circuit and Family Court [Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) ss 64B and 65C(b)].

A child who applies for parenting orders must have a case guardian (also known as a next friend), unless the court is satisfied that the child understands the nature and possible consequences of their case and is capable of conducting it. If a child applies without a case guardian, the court may appoint one [Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Family Law) Rules 2021 r 3.13]. Any adult that has no interest adverse to that of the child and who can fairly and competently conduct the case for the child may consent to being a case guardian [r 3.14].

The court may order the case guardian to pay costs [r 3.13] or that costs of a case guardian be paid by another party to the proceedings or from the income or property, if any, of the child [r 3.18].

Can children apply?  :  Last Revised: Tue Aug 31st 2021
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