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Getting to safety

A victim of family or domestic violence often needs practical help to get out of the violent situation. Many victims are held back from getting out because of lack of support or other accommodation.

Staying at home

Sometimes when the police issue an intervention order or the perpetrator is charged with an offence, it may be a condition of the intervention order or the perpetrator's bail that they do not contact the victim and stay away from their former home.

Indeed in considering making an intervention order, the police must seek to ensure minimal disruption to the person who has been abused and any child involved [see Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009 s 10(1)(d)(ii)]. Therefore, it is more appropriate that the perpetrator is removed from the home rather than the person who has been abused. Similarly the police may make conditions of bail for the protection of any victim [see Bail Act 1985 (SA) ss 11(2)(a)(ii) and (2a)]. When considering bail, they must also consider whether to apply to the court for an intervention order [s 23A(1)].

Other measures may be taken for the victim's safety in staying at home, such as making the home premises more secure through the use of security doors and window screens. This may be an option where the perpetrator does not live in the same premises or is required to stay away from the premises and only attends under the influence of alcohol or for some other reason. An effective security system can help to keep the perpetrator away or at least give some protection until the police are called for assistance.

The Stay at Home Program is now delivered by Women’s Safety Services SAby contacting telephone: 1800 800 098.

Leaving the home

Sometimes it may be that a victim needs to leave their home to find safety elsewhere. This may be just for a night or a few weeks until the situation has eased or it may be permanent.

A victim should be cautious of any devices which may be able to track the victim's location, such as personal computers, smart phones, tablets or watches, or any other services which may be linked to the perpetrator and provide a form of information and tracking, such as metro cards or loyalty cards. It would be wise to switch off location tracking on any devices (seek expert help if necessary) and discontinue use of any services which may be linked to the perpetrator.

The DV Crisis Line 1800 800 098 (open 24 hours) can provide South Australian victims with advocacy, telephone counselling, short-term face-to-face counselling, support to remain safe at home or access to other safe accommodation and referrals for and in relation to police, legal services and financial assistance. For pet safety and emergency care, contact the RSPCA on 1300 47 7722.

There are also regional domestic violence services that can provide advocacy, counselling and access to other safe accommodation on site or elsewhere.

Women's Safety Services SA

Telephone: (08) 8152 9200

Please see a full listing of domestic violence services throughout South Australia in our Service Directory.

Where possible, a victim should take any children to safety with them. They should then obtain legal advice about the ongoing arrangements for the children and any property matters as soon as possible. A victim does not jeopardise their rights to a later property settlement application if they leave the home as a result of family violence.

Legal advice is free from the Legal Services Commission or community legal services. If making an appointment for advice with the Legal Services Commission, ask to speak with a domestic or family violence worker. Ongoing legal representation through legal aid is subject to a means and a merit test. Community legal services may also apply such a test. Usually, those with little income, and who are caring for children, are eligible for assistance.

In an emergency: 000

For police attendance: 131 444

Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 1800 800 098

1800 RESPECT: 1800 737 732

Getting to safety  :  Last Revised: Tue May 14th 2024
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