While an employee is off work Comcare will make weekly payments of the employee's normal wage for the first 45 weeks. If the employee has still not returned to work after this time they will only receive 75% of her or his normal wage. This can be increased to up to 90% if the worker has dependants. Comcare will pay all medical and hospital costs and the cost of a rehabilitation program.
Where an employee is permanently impaired a claim can be made for up to $229,916.71 and up to a further $43,109.40 for pain and suffering (as at 1 July 2024). Comcare will pay for the cost of artificial limbs and may grant financial assistance for essential modifications to a home or car. Assistance may also be given for the injured employee to receive attendant care and/or obtain household help.
In the case of death, the employee's dependents may claim up to $643,667.21 as well as funeral expenses and a weekly allowance for each dependent child (as at 1 July 2024). Visit the Comcare website for the current Statutory rates payable for benefits.
Other compensation figures are also indexed annually [see generally Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (Cth) ss 13-29]. As with the South Australian legislation, compensation is also paid for permanent disabilities (impairments) although a threshold of 10% must be experienced before any compensation is paid.
Please visit the Australian Government ComCare website for further information on the scheme.
Asbestos related claims
There is also a specific compensation scheme for Asbestos related claims.