In 2018 the Commonwealth Government reviewed the former eHealth Record System and replaced it with an opt-out system known as the My Health Record system.
Australians had until 31 January 2019 to opt out of having a My Health Record automatically created for them. Every person who has a Medicare or Department of Veterans' Affairs card and who has not opted out will have a record automatically created. Individuals who are not eligible for Medicare or Department of Veterans' Affairs benefits can set up a My Health Record by applying for an individual healthcare identifier and using that to register for My Health Record. Call 1800 723 471 or visit for more information.
The electronic record stores a person's health records and is accessible (in accordance with access controls) by the individual, their doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers. Individuals can access their record online via the MyGov website or the my health app.
The law about the My Health Record system is found in the My Health Records Act 2012 (Cth), My Health Records Regulations 2012 (Cth) and My Health Records Rules 2016 (Cth).
For more information about My Health Record, including online learning sessions to learn how to use My Health Record, visit the Australian Government Digital Health website.