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Conciliation by the Legal Profession Conduct Commission (LPCC)

The Legal Profession Conduct Commissioner (LPCC) may, at any time during the course of his investigation, arrange for a conciliation of the complaint to be conducted to try to resolve the dispute between the parties in a mutually satisfactory manner.

This is an important part of the LPCC's functions as the interests of the public will be well served if, by the process of conciliation, the Commissioner can:

  • assist disputing parties to achieve a resolution which is acceptable to both parties; and
  • reduce the time and cost involved in considering and answering complaints where no serious conduct issues arise.

A wide variety of complaints are able to be conciliated. Conciliation is particularly useful and effective in disputes about legal costs. Although conciliation may assist the parties to reach an agreement the Commissioner must still carry out their statutory duty to investigate any allegations of unsatisfactory professional conduct or professional misconduct by the lawyer.

Conciliation by the Legal Profession Conduct Commission (LPCC)  :  Last Revised: Mon Sep 18th 2017
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