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What about the children's views?

On 6 May 2024 the Family Law Amendment Act 2023 (Cth) made significant changes to family law. For more information about these changes, please refer to the Attorney-General's Department Family Law Amendment Act 2023: Factsheet for parents and/or the Family Law Amendment Act 2023: Factsheet for family law professionals. The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia's website also has further practical information and answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

In making any decision about a child the court must consider any views expressed by the child [Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) s 60CC(2)(b)]. The weight the court will give to the child's views will depend on any factors the court thinks relevant, such as the child's maturity and level of understanding.

There is no rule that says that children of a particular age can make independent decisions about where they live. There are a number of reasons for this, including the fact that age does not necessarily always match maturity. Children often express to each parent a wish to live with them, but may do so out of concern to maintain close contact with that parent and not to lose them from their lives, rather than with an adult understanding of the consequences.

Practical issues may arise when orders are made in respect of children aged 16 and older. A child of 17 years is unlikely to be forced to follow a parenting order about where they should live. In these circumstances, resorting to the court to enforce an existing order may be ineffective.

Children do not give evidence to the court, and the Judge will not usually see or speak to the children. The children's wishes are ascertained via a Court Child Expert providing a family assessment, or through the appointment of an Independent Children's Lawyer.

The Federal Circuit and Family Court has prepared a video titled How the voice of the child is heard?

What about the children's views?  :  Last Revised: Fri May 3rd 2024
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