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What can the Federal Circuit and Family Court do?

The Federal Circuit and Family Court has the power to grant injunctions restraining one party from molesting, assaulting, harassing or interfering with the other party or with the children and from entering upon premises occupied by the other party [see Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) s 68B].

In some exceptional circumstances the Court may evict one person so that the other person can have the sole occupancy of the home [see Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) s 114]. To obtain an injunction there must be evidence of threats, physical and/or verbal assault or threats to the welfare of the children. The injunction may be granted ex parte (that is after hearing only one of the parties) in urgent cases. Injunction orders can be made within a week if extremely urgent. In the usual course it may take a few weeks. Because the allegations must be put in affidavit (written) form, it is recommended that the applicant have a lawyer.

A police officer, who believes on reasonable grounds that a person has breached an injunction by threatening or causing injury, can arrest that person without a warrant [see ss 68C and 114AA]. However, normally the applicant must apply back to the Court, and a contravention or breach of the order must be proven for the offending party to be punished. The penalty can be a fine or a bond (to forfeit money if the order is broken again). People who refuse to enter a bond can be imprisoned for up to three months. It usually takes a considerable amount of time from the initial application for contravention until the final determination of the matter by the Court. Anyone seeking this type of order should have a lawyer.

It is recommended that where family violence is being experienced, an intervention order is much more effective and should be sought first. An intervention order can be sought even if there is a current injunction order in place from the Court. It can also be more immediately and directly enforced by State police, rather than through the family law system. An injunction from the Court can not be instituted if there are current intervention orders in place or proceedings are currently underway.

In an emergency: 000

For police attendance: 131 444

Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 1800 800 098

1800 RESPECT: 1800 737 732

What can the Federal Circuit and Family Court do?  :  Last Revised: Wed Sep 1st 2021
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