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Who can apply to change or cancel an order?

See Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009 (SA) s 26 and Uniform Special Statutory Rules 2022 (SA) Chapter 3 Part 6 Division 13.

At any time after the issuing of an intervention order, the police, a protected person or their representative may apply to the Magistrates Court to vary (change) or revoke (cancel) the intervention order [s 26(1)]. If the protected person is under the age of 14, a parent or representative may apply on their behalf [s 26(2)]. The police usually require that the protected person receive counselling before they will assist with an application to revoke (cancel) an order.

If the respondent wishes to apply to have the order varied or revoked, they must wait until the date set in the order [s 26(3). If there is no date in the order, the respondent must wait 12 months before applying for variation or revocation [s 15]. The Court may dismiss the application by the respondent without hearing evidence from the protected person if satisfied that the application is frivolous or vexatious, or if there has been no substantial change in the relevant circumstances since the order was issued or last varied [s 26(4)].

An application to vary or revoke an intervention order must be made on a Form 112A Interlocutory Application to Vary or Revoke Order – Intervention Order and supported by an Affidavit in the prescribed form (Form 112B or Form 112C) [r 93.2].

Generally, before varying or revoking an intervention order, the Magistrates Court must allow the police, the respondent and each person protected by the order a reasonable opportunity to be heard on the matter [s 26(5)(a)]. The Court must also have regard to the same matters that the Court is required to consider in determining whether to make an intervention order and the terms of any such order [s 26(5)(b)].

See also Cunningham v Police [2021] SASC 26.

From 2 September 2019, on an application by a police officer where the police officer requests that the Court make an interim variation pending the final determination of the matter, the Court may hold a preliminary hearing as soon as practicable without summoning the respondent to appear [s 26A, r 93.4].

A police variation application may be made by telephone or other electronic means in accordance with the Uniform Special Statutory Rules 2022 (SA) unless the Court is not satisfied it would be appropriate [s 26A (2)]. The Court may issue an interim variation of the intervention order, determine the application should be dealt with as per usual under section 26, or dismiss the application [s 26A(3)].

If an interim variation is issued by the Court, the respondent will be required to appear in Court within 8 days (or within 2 days of the Court next sitting at that place) [s 26A(5)] and the application will be finally determined under section 26 [s 26A (8)]. If the interim variation is issued on the basis of an affidavit, the deponent of the affidavit may be required to give oral evidence at the final determination hearing [s 26A(4)].

An intervention cannot be varied by removing a firearms term unless the court is satisfied that the respondent has never been guilty of violent or intimidating conduct and needs a firearm to earn a livelihood [s 26(6)].

A varied order only takes effect if the respondent is present in the Court when the order is made or when otherwise served upon the respondent [ss 26A(7) and 26(7a)].

Intervention orders made under section 28 of the Sentencing Act 2017 (SA)

An application to vary or revoke an intervention order made under section 28 of the Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) must be made using the prescribed forms (Form 172C Interlocutory Application to Vary or Revoke Order - Intervention Order, and Form 7 - Affidavit) and by seeking the necessary leave of the Court [see rules 167.1- 167.7 of the Joint Criminal Rules 2022 (SA)]. See further Law Handbook COURT - CRIMINAL MATTERS.

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Who can apply to change or cancel an order?  :  Last Revised: Thu Aug 25th 2022
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