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Where should a will be kept?

A will should be kept in a safe and secure place. It is wise to make a photocopy of the will as the original may become lost. A note should be made on the copy of where the will is kept.

It is wise to let the executor of the will know where it is located. Banks and insurance companies can hold wills, though they may charge a fee. Trustee companies will usually only hold a will if they are named as an executor. Lawyers will usually hold a will if they have prepared it for a client, even if they are not named as executors.

Wills Register

The Law Society of South Australia provides a secure centralised register of the location of South Australian wills. This service is available for lawyers to register wills and to search for missing wills. Although lawyers are encouraged to register their clients’ wills, participation in the register is voluntary.

Lawyers may publish their client's name, date of birth, and the date of their will, without breaching confidentiality, where:

  • the will was made before 1 December 2019, and
  • the lawyer has been unable to contact the client despite reasonable attempts to do so to obtain consent for publication [Legal Practitioners Act 1981 (SA) s 95E].
Where should a will be kept?  :  Last Revised: Mon Dec 23rd 2024
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