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Guarantees as to the supply of services

The Australian Consumer Law (Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) Schedule 2 s 4) defines services to include any rights, benefits, privileges or facilities that are given by a trader under a contract for, or in relation to:

  • the performance of work (with or without the supply of goods);
  • providing facilities for amusement, entertainment, recreation or instruction;
  • where payment is made in the form of a royalty, tribute, levy or similar;
  • banking services;
  • a contract in relation to the lending of money.

Section 60 provides that services must be provided with due care and skill.

Section 61 provides that services also must be reasonably fit for the purpose that a consumer makes known to the supplier. Section 62 provides that in the absence of agreement, the services will be provided within a reasonable time.

Guarantees as to the supply of services  :  Last Revised: Tue Dec 14th 2021
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